In a wide ranging interview Gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick demonstrated the affability, approachability, and results-oriented focus that propelled him to senior positions at the Justice Department, Coke and Texaco, and leading Boston law firms.
Whether he will triumph in the clannish, some say thuggish, world of Massachusetts politics remains to be seen.
"This is on purpose a different kind of campaign. One of the things I observe is that a lot of good people are giving up on politics. They are checking out. This has made the space that cynics have occupied. I am trying to invite people back in to give them the sense that this is their government," Patrick said.
The candidate, unique among his rivals, is making respectable use of the internet: he has reached out to the blogosphere, and built a decent website that includes Meetups and an on-line donation form. He promises his own blog in the fall. Reilly’s site, by contrast, is a frame-filled hack that flashes a security warning to would-be contributors and offers nothing more than an email form to potential volunteers.
Patrick touched on the importance of access to capital for small businesses in creating jobs and generating economic growth; elements for a solution to the health care nightmare; and the importance of accountability in large construction projects.
On the economy: "The question of access to capital is extremely important for folks of low or moderate income. Most jobs are created by small and medium sized businesses. The SBIC program is a combination of federal money and private money. That program is expiring on the federal level and I’d like to see an analog created on the state level. Particularly in places like Springield and Holyoke. If we had a Governor who was more serious about job creation we’d see some programs like that."
The state, Patrick said, has to acknowledge that it is not keeping pace in the nation’s economic race. "Our economy has been backsliding. We’re losing population. I think Mississippi spends moreon higher education. We’re the second largest source of venture capitaland very little of that is invested back within the state."
On health care: "I don’t meet anybody who thinks the system we have is working well enough. Those 15-20% annual increases are breaking everybody. There are at least three aspects that need to be addressed. Access. Even people who have health insurance feel they have difficulty. Quality. People feel we are paying more and getting less. Finally, single payer."
Please click to the coverage, to follow shortly, of our resident health care expert Charley who actually understands terms like "Mass Health" and "employer mandates," for full details about Patrick’s health care proposals.
On the Big Dig: "I think frankly the fact that we have just started to look at this is absurd. A more active government and frankly a more involved AG were needed. When I was at Coke a large construction project we had came in over budget, something like 70%. We asked the contractor ‘what happened.’ Their answer was effectively ‘stuff happens.’ Well, we sued them. There have to be consequences."
Well, do I feel stupid…for not checking my email more often and more carefully. It HAS been a crazy couple of weeks, true, but that’s no excuse. I’ve got the email account in Outlook now, so THAT shouldn’t happen again – I hope.That’s IT though. 7 email addresses are my limit. No more!
I think the job creation program idea is creative and, more importantly, necessary. It’s really quite astounding those currently in the system have been unable to accomplish something of worth out in western Mass.
Since Deval gets that the blogsphere has both brains and access to real people beyond the usual power circles, it would be interesting to find a way for him to throw out some issues that matter to people – health care, education, taxes, whatever, and have an exchange online with the goal being to explore what matters and how to get somewhere. I’m sure those of us in the progressive Mass blogosphere would gladly participate. What a novel way to get input and feedback instead of asking the connected “experts” that usually reside in Boston.Charley- thanks for the informative post!!michael
Well, this one was Bob. Mine is the next one. Good idea, though — a blog “town meeting”. Hrmmm…By the way, I think we’d all be thrilled if Tom Reilly or Bill Galvin dropped by, too. Anyone out there?
I just sent an invitation to the Reilly campaign. We’ll see if they respond!
David thanks for sending an invite to Reilly. I sincerely think this would be a great idea. It would definitely change the context and hopefully the content of the usual town hall forums and the usual media outlets. I’d think a candidate truly interested in input from the voters would be intriqued by this. Invite them all- just stepping up to participate sends a telling message.If anyone reading this has an in, I think its worth considering as a serious idea- perhaps in the fall when the world starts paying attention again. It might even get them conventional coverage.Michael