We’ve been following with interest the story of former MA Chief Information Officer Peter Quinn, who was the point man behind the Commonwealth’s attempt to liberate itself from Microsoft’s monopoly by implementing “open” standards on documents used by the state (“Open Document Formats”, or “ODF”). Quinn was smeared — accused of taking undocumented trips — and later cleared of any wrongdoing whatsoever. He resigned in December, saying he had become a lightning rod for attention, and that the functions of the IT office would proceed better without him.
Read this interview at Groklaw, and see how deep special-interest skullduggery goes in our state — Quinn fingers Bill Galvin, among others, for the hostility to ODF:
Senator Pacheco and Secretary Galvin’s office remain very heavily influenced by the Microsoft money and its lobbyist machine, as witnessed by their playbook and words, in my opinion.
Hey Peter, you need to name some of the other “bottomfeeders” in the legislature.
(Thanks to Universal Hub.)
I visited groklaw.com, and got redirected to “elitexxxsites.com” — a lesbian page, to be precise. Looks like someone’s unhappy with poor Pamela again.
errr, bull$hit!