Best BMG Pollster
No contest: Ernie Boch, III. “Come on down,” Ernie, you truly are “everything we’re looking for” in a BMG pollster. I don’t know where your undisclosed bunker exists, but it has been a non-stop source of hilarious polls – especially since they are chock full of truths and half-truths. You never cease to amaze!
Best Patrick Commentor
This is a tough category, since, if Ernie’s latest poll is any indication, 99.9999% of BMG commentors are Patrick People. However, my vote goes to Andy. Between his comments here and his own blog, does an great job of advocating for Deval Patrick without making you feel like you’re shockingly uncool if you ask questions or withhold support. (Bonus points if you correctly identify both “actors” in the photo!)
Best Gabrieli Commentor
My vote goes to southshoreguy. Respectful of the opinion of others, SSG is an articulate supporter of the “Vote for Gabbers!” crowd. (Maybe it’s just me, but Chris has a certain Dynamite quality about him, don’t you think?)
Best Reilly Commentor
And the award goes to our very own poet laureate and Reilly wordsmith, sabutai. What Reilly lacked in blogosphere quantity, sabutai made up in blogosphere quality. Besides, sabutai was Gengis Khan’s most brilliant general, so that’s pretty badass in itself, right?
Most Likely to Post About “Raillery”
Charley on the MTA in a landslide! I still have no freakin’ idea what raillery is, but every month or so, there would be a post from Charley explaining that raillery is better than sex. (Wait! Maybe I’m engaging in raillery right now!)
Simplest BMG Posts
Hello, jdhaverhill! Regrettably, jdhaverhill was just a July thang, never posting before that month and never posting after. However, I really started to enjoy his signature item – short, yet effective diaries – mostly because they would rile people up. Listen, if you can generate 21 comments with a 4 word diary, you are on to something.
Best Elephants in the Room
OK, I’m going to wuss out and split this award between Peter Purcupine and gary. I’m pretty sure that they are the entire field, but they are both well-deserving. Seriously, would you spend this much time on Hub Politics? I wouldn’t (and don’t), but we all benefit from their perspective.
I offer these to get the ball rolling, but I hope that the rest of the BMG community will work to improve/enhance the concept.
Ladies and gentlemen, I submit to you the First Annual BMG Honor Roll. . .a work in progress!
southshoreguy says
Hey Mav,
I appreciate the props. We don’t always agree, but it’s always interesting. Your opinions are well thought out & articulated. Good luck today…well not too much! đŸ™‚
PS I am hearing rumors of turnout in the 25-26% range if it holds at the current pace. That would put the count between 850 and 900K – much more than the projected 650K.
This is based upon counts at this time in the day for previous elections. That could make for some interesting results depending upon who the “extras” are voting for!
gary says
Most Likely to Give me a Three: lolorb Fer Christ’s sake, even the kid in the back of the room with his shoes untied and eats his crayons gets a four for effort!
Most likely to abandon Democratic party: a split between centralmassdad and MaverickDem.
Best smirk: why is this man smiling? Stomv.
Most names: David L. A. Rall. Jr?
Most likely to go Postal if Mr. Patrick loses nomination. Ryan of course
andy says
Gary I nearly spit out my tea with the image you painted in my head (personally I saw Ralphie from the Simpons, anyone else?)!!
maverickdem says
Gary, believe me, the Party tries my patience from time to time, but it’s like a family – you just can’t walk away from it.
the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping says
Most likely to have a nervous breakdown if Patrick loses…Pablo
Sanest guy in the virtual room…..MaverickDem
Best nickname…EB3
lightiris says
to be suffering a breakdown right now: greencape. I hope someone was sitting with him/her last night. Oy.
pablo says
I don’t HAVE nervous breakdowns. I’m a wholesaler.
sabutai says
First of all, MavDem gets best Reilly guy. He’s the original.
I also have to give LightIris the “nicest to people with whom s/he disagrees” award…she’s the best argument for Deval I found on this site.
Boch gets best poller, no doubt.
tooleftforme gets best poster working in a language they don’t really speak.
lightiris says
Well, thank you, sincerely, for the kind words, sabutai.
And since you seem to have an appreciation for a well-turned verse, here’s today’s offering on talking past one another (not for the poetically faint of heart) from Anne Carson’s The Life of Towns:
One of my favorite poems to teach….
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
ryepower12 says
Best BMG Pollster
Best Patrick Commentor
Best Gabrieli Commentor
Best Reilly Commentor
(The one and only) MavDem
Most Likely to Post About “Raillery”
Simplest BMG Posts
Best Elephants in the Room
PS: I consider this contest sort of like superlatives in high school… there was a mounting movement to make me the “Drama Queen” in the male catagory. Luckily, I was beat out by someone else, though I suspect the race would have been closer than I’d have liked.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Spoken like a true lefty. Afraid to say what you really think.
lolorb says
Thanks for that. Made me feel like giving gary another 3, although I save them up for mromanov most of the time! đŸ˜‰
maverickdem says
mromanov says
Good picks.
Maybe if EB3 wrote this post, we could vote on these.
peter-porcupine says
Thank you, MavDem!
I have my own awards –
Prettiest Poster – LightIris (I can’t help it, it’s just a mental image I have….)
Most Postal Poster – Come on down, EB3!
Wittiest – Charley on the MTA
Best Song Writer – Publius!
Best Translator of DemocratIC (see, Iris? I can learn!) Beliefs and Potential Post of the Year – Ed Prisby for his transciption of the Debate. (I’m FEISTY, grrr…COKE!!!)
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
That’s It. I quit.
See Ya
peter-porcupine says
gary says
but postally: eventually, and he’ll get lost
peter-porcupine says
More 6’s for him than anybody!
gary says