Last chance to escape the chicken coop, Bill Galvin.
The Brandeis chapter of Democracy for America is proud to annouce a forum on democracy and voting rights to be held tomorrow (Tuesday September 12th) from 4:00 – 6:00 PM in the library of our university campus
We have invited all three candidates for Secretary of the Commwealth including Jill Stein, John Bonifaz, and Bill Galvin. Jill and John, who have both spoken at Brandeis in the past, excitedly confirmed. Bill Galvin’s office, however, has repeatedly given hopeful but reserved responses. His campaign manager has declined to say whether he will or will not be avaliable, leaving us with numerous planning difficulties. (Bold mine.)
I’m not holding my breath. Maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised. But I doubt it.
[Originally posted on my own blog.]
Shortly after I posted, Ari, another Brandeis DFA organizer, added this comment:
If I remember correctly, the invitations to this event went out more than a month ago, and Galvin’s office initially said they’d answer yes or no by a certain date which has also passed.
Shocked, I tell you.
What’s worse, keeping the organizers of the event hanging until the day before is unprofessional, at best.
Makes it likely that the Medford Dems had been given the wrong impression from Galvin, not some mixup…it’s starting to look like a pattern.
One week and counting, Galvin.
I emailed three candidates a month ago. Jamie followed up on phone with Stein and Bonifaz campaigns, but not Galvin as he didn’t have a phone number listed on his site. Ari eventually tracked the info down and got a hold of them, and they said they’d let us know for sure by August 31st. As far as I know, that turned into today. Too bad, but not much worse than I expected.
Yeah, the first time I tried to call Galvin’s campaign office, I had a hard time finding the number. It wasn’t online anywhere, or listed via 411. I finally had to resort to calling the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office, figuring someone there might know the campaign office number, and that’s how I got it.
617-789-5700, in case any of you want it.
Then again, we’re not exactly sure Galvin even has a campaign office.
I’m not getting any mail or seeing any activity.
How does the average voter know?
Deny there is a race and therefore win the election. Sad.
One would think they should also get put up at the top with the lower ballot challengers????
so I am heading out on the 3 PM train. See you guys when I get there.
I was barely able to focus on anything around me as I was rather drugged up to make it through the afternoon despite my cold and killer wisdom tooth, but it seemed like a strong attendence and it was a good discussion. Thanks Jamie and Ari for taking the lead on making this happen.
I wish I’d gotten a chance to ask my question to John and Jill: if John wins the primary next week, what is the strongest reason to vote for you in November? They presented a lot of agreement and no obvious distinctions, so I’m still sure I’m voting Bonifaz on Tuesday and still sure I’m voting Stein in November if Galvin wins, but still have no idea who I’ll vote for if Bonifaz wins.
I wish I could have asked a question too. We focused a lot on the Elections Division. I think it would have been interesting to hear them respond to questions about other divisions. I have heard Bonifaz speak to that issue before but not Stein.