Andrea Silbert
Pros: I’ve personally found her most appealing and if the strategic considerations all come out in the wash, I’ll probably vote for her. (I voted for her at the convention.) She seems smart and tough, and brings a good focus to the key issue of jobs, jobs, jobs. Signifies as outsider. Brings gender balance to the ticket. May (this was her line with me before the convention) be able, as a woman, to say things about Kerry Healey that Patrick could not. May play well with suburban women swing voters with her “empower women in business” line.
Cons: Another candidate whose claim comes from work outside of State government. Does this make the ticket seem too “outside” (is that possible at this political moment)? So far, her appeal seems greatest among those already drawn to Patrick–is she really going to bring in anyone who won’t be there already, regardless of LG nominee? Has been a good fundraiser for an LG candidate but probably isn’t going to be a major source of revenue for the campaign, at least not relative to the kind of spending that will mark the general election.
Tim Murray
Pros: I find him very appealing, too. (Have heard him speak in person twice, been impressed both times, and was considering supporting him at the convention right up through the day we voted.) He adds Central Mass, an important city, the most substantial experience in governing, something of a field organization, and ties to the more traditional Democratic party. He’s Irish-American (this is still a plus, no?). For many people, he signifies as “dynamic, young, mainstream-but-reform leader.” May come off best to the majority of voters on the “what if the Governor died on inauguration day and the LG had to become Governor?” test.
Cons: Two men on ticket: does this help Healey, especially with, say, those unenrolled suburban women swing voters? For some he might signify less as “progressive mayor” than as “another hack politician.” He doesn’t seem likely to bring in the big bucks, either. And won’t Patrick win Worcester easily, anyway?
Deb Goldberg
Disclaimer: I have a hard time imagining voting for her, let alone recommending her to others. Still, I’d be interested in hearing a case for her, especially as we may well all have to learn to love her starting next Tuesday night.
Pros: I assume all those riches would be deployed to help Patrick get elected. (They’d better be.) Some people seem to think her experience in Brookline is relevant. Anybody who can get the endorsement of both the Phoenix and the Herald shows some cross-over appeal (that is, assuming the latter’s endorsement was not part of a coordinated attempt to give Healey the easiest path to the conrner office). Her health care spots and web site are pretty good, suggesting she’s gotten slicker in the media department. And she, too, would bring gender balance to the ticket.
Cons: Have seen her speak twice and she sure knows how to grate on lots of people. I’m among them. And I’ve never seen anything quite like the response of everyone around me to that truly atrocious convention video. Among the many rich people running for state wide office this time, she seems to be the one whose wealth comes off most badly in a way that could matter. And–or is this just a continuation of the previous point–should we talk about tickets, badges, and entitlement? Wouldn’t she be the kind of candidate one wants to keep out of the public eye as much as possible? Which means that, though she’d bring gender balance, would you actually want her throwing jabs at Healey or would you worry about how she’d screw it up?
jumpster says
Healey is going to run against the legislature and a Patrick/Silbert team is independent and completely unbeholden to any insiders. It would also be the smartest and most creative team in the corner office we’ve seen in decades. Plus, Silbert, as a proven job creator, fighter for economic justice, and middle-class mom, can go after Healey on the campaign trail in a way that Murray, as an insider, and Goldberg, as a Healey-lite, can’t.
Silbert fits for Gabrieli in much the same way.
hlpeary says
is the unspoken, but absolute wish of serious Deval team members…they are not thinking ideology (although, Deval and Murray agree )…they are thinking WINNING…Murray brings to Deval what he cannot deliver himself and therefore strengthens the ticket…
Deb could bring $$, but Murray who raised $1 million from over 4,000 blades in the party grassroots brings those folks with him to the fight…
Andrea, brings what Deval already has or will easily get once the primary is over…Democratic women…and, it was interesting to see on that last State House poll that Murray was actually out-polling Andrea among the women who were polled…
Murray has what Deval could make good use of when fighting Kerry-Healey…geography, background, municipal networks, religion, ethnicity, experience… a true balance for the ticket…
And…I think the Gabrieli team is thinking the exact same think…why? because it makes political sense…
hoss says
HL, that crap about the Deval people wanting Murray is as much Murray spin as his alleged field organization is and you know it.
You just want to latch onto a winning horse, but it ain’t gonna stick.
hlpeary says
Sorry, Hoss…I am not a Deval devotee…but, I know plenty of them…and from their perspective their only wish is to get Deval elected…they don’t care about LG beyond which one will help Deval get elected…take a hard look at the folks who are most outfront for Deval region by region and on his core team and you will start to connect the dots…they want Murray…it’s not personal, it’s politics.
migraine says
It’s a good thing your predictions turn out they way they do — makes me feel better.
And how important did you say the globe editorial was to Murray?
A quote from one of your past diaries:
“Even though Payne describes Andrea Silbert as “crassly ambitious and arrogant”, I think she is still the kind of candidate the Globe editorial Board will cling to..(they cover themselves with a woman to balance their Gov. endorsement, and keep the Harvard-Newton-Brookline crowd happy without having to endorse Goldberg)”
hlpeary says
I honestly thought the Globe would go with Silbert…but I guess Tim wowed the Ed. board…it came down to depth of knowledge and understanding a broader range of issues…
Also they endorsed Patrick and if you read both endorsement editorials together it is clear they were meshing a ticket…they complement each other…
I was happy to see that…
pablo says
Go back to the spring issue of Commonwealth Magazine and take a serious look at the ten voting regions in Massachusetts. The article you want is called Shifting Ground.
Read through this. You will see we are getting croaked in MidMass and Offramps. This is Murray’s home turf, and he is well regarded in in his home region as a capable and accomplished public official.
That’s why Murray is the best fit on the electability issue.
As for Gabrieli – Silbert.
Mr. Venture Capital with Ms. Party Fundraiser and policy wonk?
Where have we seen THAT combo before?
jpsox says
The question is, which base will we get more votes from? Would Murray bring in more Central MA voters than the number of women Silbert could pull?
This question stuck with me right up until I voted (via absentee) and I have no clue about its answer.
hlpeary says
progressive, liberal, even moderate women will go with Deval whether or not his running mate is a woman, because they share his views…conservative women will go with Healey because they would not agree with Deval Patrick on the issues…
And women who would vote for a woman whether they agree or not on issues just to elect a woman…will go with Healey because it is better to elect a woman Governor than a sidekick….
By the way, if your argument had merit, which I do not agree it does, but if it did, you would have to support Deb to run with Deval because she outpolled Andrea with women almost 3 to 1 in this week’s polls and she would bring a carload of cash with her…
Whatever, this race as it turns out is not about gender…which I am happy to say, as a believer in equality for both genders…it’s about winning and booting the GOP out of the corner office….and on that basis, it’s no wonder the Deval and Chris operatives are praying for Murray.
will says
lightiris says
balances the ticket nicely. His municipal experience and knowledge of municipal issues will help Patrick the most. Moreover, Murray adds a geographical component the others can’t offer. There is a lot of frustration in Central and Western Mass over the fact that we seem to be in Beacon Hill purgatory.
pablo says
Murray also brings with him lots of mayors who will work for his election. Harshbarger lost when the mayors seemed to sit on their hands because they liked Cellucci.
Like it or not, it’s a powerful voting bloc.
lolorb says
Looking at the Romney/Healey administration, where Kerry Healey basically sits back and watches, leads me to wonder which Gov. candidate would actually utilize the skills of the LG. I’m failry sure that Deval Patrick would be the most likely to use the skills of Deb, Andrea or Tim to the best advantage. From all that I’ve seen, his management style is the most inclusive and open. Because he listens, he would benefit the most from their knowledge.
leftisright says
we have to worry about in the general it is all the surrounding towns that voted for ronmen/healy. Although Shannon carried worc she lost virtually every surrounding town in worc county. With hillman a central mass guy can we afford to loose every other town in central MA? Im thinking who matches up to Hillman best and that clearly is Murray with his experience,endorsements, geography and record.
j-c-ripley says
It’s a Democratic island in a see of Republican towns. What suggests that Worcester can have coat tails with them?
pablo says
The Worcester media has been giving positive notice to Murray. He is well known and viewed positively. That helps.
leftisright says
worcester is surrounded in a sea of conservative towns not republican towns and the my town has a r rep asnd a D senator. We are more interested in seeing Tim Murray in the office than any R so our coattails will be with the central mass candidate
gary says
Reed Hillman
pablo says
Another reason why we need Murray on the ticket.
leftisright says
hoss says
Jobs, Healthcare and Education are the leading issues people are concerned about. Local aid is important, but jobs and economic development are the precursors to being able to afford to reinvigorate cities and towns. She gets that.
For a great synopsis of Andrea’s message, take a listen to this piece from this morning’s interview on WBUR. She effectively links her jobs and economic growth platform to the needs of our state.
As for the issues of gender or regional balance, remember this: we’re all Massachusetts residents here. This isn’t about regions competing against each other, it’s about all of us moving forward together. This isn’t about who is best suited to attack Kerry Healey, it’s about how best to reinvigorate our economy and get people excited about being here again. One of the reasons people love Deval so much is that he speaks in hopeful, yet practical terms. While Andrea doesn’t have that same oratorical flourish, her vision for improving things for us comes from that same place: let’s take the best ideas and implement them effectively so that people have the opportunities they deserve. We are blessed with a highly educated and motivated populus, and it is that group – whether rich or poor, whether from western or eastern Mass – that we need to ask to, as Deval says, “check back in.”
Giving the Leominster mom the tools to start her own business; giving the Atlanta-based company the incentive to locate a manufacturing facility in Uxbridge; giving the New Bedford fisherman the ability to sell his catch to an ever-growing market for fresh fish; giving our parks around Sterling and Fitchburg the funds they need to draw people from Boston for day-hikes; giving our homeless friends dreading another cold winter in Northampton a bed and a chance to reinvent themselves. These are what we as Democrats are about and what Andrea Silbert is about. She has proven herself and has earned (as opposed to feeling entitled to) the opportunity to take her leadership and innovation skills to the next level so that she can serve more than the 10,000 people she helped at the Center for Women and Enterprise, and instead help the millions of our fellow citizens who are looking for a little help and lot of hope.
theopensociety says
For all the reasons that hoss said, but also because we do need a woman on the ticket. I think a lot of unenrolled women are going to vote for Kerry Healey for the simple reason that she is a woman. (If you need proof, just look at what the Republicans have done in the last two elections.) I would not be saying this if I also did not think Silbert was the best candidate, I just think the additional fact that she is a women should be considered by those people who are still on the fence.
leftisright says
alot of enrolled men are goin to vote for Murray because he is a man, come on give unemrolled women more credit than that
theopensociety says
for being an important voting force. And I do think, all things being equal, having a woman on the ticket matters to some women voters, particularly in a state like Massachusetts that has a reputation for being unkind to women in politics. Blowing my comment off like you did, does not make the gender factor disappear. (I am not sure if your comment about Murray means during the general election or during the primary. If you meant during the general election, if gender is a factor for men, there will already be a man on the ticket running for Governor. If you are referring to the primary, yes, I do think a lot of men, and even some women, are going to vote for Murray because he is a man.)
leftisright says
unenrolled women will vote for the best candidate regardless of their gender. I am sure if they are equally qualified gender may play a role. Look at Goldberg and Silbert, Silbert is so much more than Goldberg could ever hope to be and she is polling lower in the woman vote. Ive said it before if Murray wasn;t in this race Id be a Silbert supporter
will says
I gathered signatures for AS for many hours. You would be very surprised how often I heard a woman say, “Who is it? A woman? Ok, I’ll sign.” No further questions. This was in Wellesley, Newton, Natick.
Yes, a woman on the ticket brings votes. (Yes, Healey at the top of the R ticket is a strong threat to that demographic even with a Dem female LG. But it still helps.)
leftisright says
and more often than not the signers are not even voters, sure they register to vote sign the nomination papers and never vote
cephme says
I will be out of my hometown doing campaign duties in another area on election day so voted absentee about a week ago. I have supported Andrea since just before the convention, where I voted for her, and as such also voted for her in the general. However over the past few days I have regretted my vote. I voted for her as the best candidate with out thinking about the best ticket. Honestly I have come around to the Patrick/Murray ticket in the past few days for all the reasons presented here and in several endorsements. I really wish I could take that vote back. Ah well.
leftisright says
she doesn’t care about cities and towns. In a small town soutwest of Wrocester lies a GOoldberg sign that exceeds the size of signage in the local bylaws. I called the Goldberg campaign to inform them of this and give them the opportunity to take it down. They ignored me. I called the local enforcment official that called her campaign and they ignored him, I talked to our town clerk who told me she had called the campaign and asked them to remove it… still stands. I guess now the 25 dollar a day fine is being applied nut she has so much money she doesn;t care it is still up. This is frustrating to locals who play by the rules and respect her property too much to just take the damn thing down.
No going for the gold try going for some respect.
pablo says
… trumps local zoning bylaws.
Zoning bylaws that restrict political speech are unconstitutional.
leftisright says
thats good to know
will says
I doubt very much that a thousand-foot campaign sign off of Route 9 would be constitutionally protected.
gary says
I thought that zoning could prohibit signs but couldn’t specifically exclude say, political signs.
So a zoning law that reads “no signs on right of way” is constitutional but a law that reads “no political signs on right of way” is enforceable.
gary says
j-c-ripley says
restricting free speech all over the country. Many New Hampshire communities have strict laws limiting political signs.
argyle says
I’ve had some experience with this. The restriction is on size, not content. I’d be sure that Goldberg’s signs violated a rule that applies to ALL signs, not just political ones.
Communities are allowed to set rules about the when and where of free expression. Parade permits, for example.
yellowdogdem says
I believe that zoning laws that banned political signs would be unconstitutional, but local ordinances that limit the size of signs, political or otherwise, seems OK to me.
michael-forbes-wilcox says
If, on your way out of town at 7 AM when the polls open, you go in person to vote, your ballot will supercede your absentee ballot, which will then not be counted.
alexwill says
it’s 15 Silbert, 15 Murray, 2 Ernie, and 1 Goldberg. Completely unsurprising.
To me, Silbert’s my choice completely on my gut. The difference is even narrower than Patrick/Gabrieli, but while Murray seems competent and experiences, Silbert seems exciting and dynamic. She seems to harmonize with what Deval wants to get done.
smitty7764 says
Tim Murray is the clear choice for the lieutenant governors office because of his expertise and his track record. A Patrick/Silbert ticket is a complete waste of everybodies time who is working to get a Democratic ticket to win in November. It sounds really good initially to say these are both outsiders. I have often recommended political outsiders to the people I know. Although the average voter seems to be very cautious on election day where they decide who to put in control. This isn’t to say it can’t be done and it isn’t a reason I support Murray, but we must consider at least one candidate on the ticket who has executive experience. I live in central Mass and Deval doesn’t appeal to the voters all that well in this moderate area compared to the entire state. Unfortunately I see alot of people who support Tom Reily. It’s not really scientific fact but alot of people have stayed with Reily in this area even in spite of all his blunders. A simple explanation that I hear are his roots in Springfield that make him likeable because he knows the issues outside of Boston. Tim has a huge block of support in this region which will be displayed on Tuesday. Central Mass wants someone who will keep them in mind after this election and that person is Tim Murray. It’s so ridiculous to hear people define the womans vote as solely a womans vote. If thats the case we should all let Healey win the election and pack up our bags for 2010. Does anyone honestly think a typical woman voter is Going to see Golderg and Silbert when they vote and swicth there’s from Healey. No Way No How Will that happen so whoever believes that I hope your not a Democratic strategist. Linking Murray to being a 30 year politician is misleading and innacurate and should stop. He has just started his 3rd term as mayor of Worcester a part time position. If Silbert cared so much as others have pointed out she wouldn’t have raised money for people such as John Kerry. Murray or Silbert need to win on Tuesday and they might be benefited by double teaming Goldberg in the last days. Deb offers very little outside of money from my prospective so other than $$$$ her getting on the ticket is a complete downside.
Anybody want to start an anti Goldberg Campaign? lol
thoover says
Tim is an effective leader and tireless campaigner. It’s fashionable to knock him for not being a so called “strong mayor” but power is where power goes. As Mayor of Worcester he has been at the point in leading the city and building coalitions to effect change.
No knock on Silbert as LG, but she would make a great cabinet level appointee for our next Governor. As for Goldberg, she was doomed from the minute her video played at the convention.
It’s time for Murray.
rollbiz says
I think that it’s important to point out the impact that Tim Murray has had in Worcester IN SPITE of the weakness of the mayoral position here. Tim has not only built coalitions and garnered results, but he has done it from a spot that doesn’t lend itself to a heavy hand…Not unlike an LG in fact. He’s been able to accomplish this not with orders but with collaborations.
People don’t view him as a Patrick type candidate but in fact he is in many ways. He exerts his power through his respect, his ability to listen, and through his ability to empower citizens to feel as if they have a stake. He’s created at least the beginnings of a politics of hope environment here in Worcester, where so many people outside and even within the city are so cynical about our chances to find a post industrial identity.
lrphillips says
The Cambridge Chronicle has it right! It’s editorial board wrote today: “In the effort to boot conservatives from the State House, it is so very important to create the best team of Democrats to lead the state.”
Silbert is the best choice to team with Deval Patrick. Her sharp intellect, generous heart, and extraordinary gifts make her an attractive addition to the ticket, but it is her unique and broad expertise in job creation and economic development that trumps what Murray has to offer. And we must NOT forget the importance of gender balance for the ticket. We have come to almost expect it in this state and the Republicans have it this time; we need to as well.
oceandreams says
In Town Meeting towns, there are a lot of voters who are concerned with local issues. They know about local aid issues, and the difficulty making ends meet in their communities because of state aid forumulas. Anyone who bothers attending Town Meeting is pretty much going to vote in the general election. I think Murray will help Patrick with those voters who are concerned about local issues.
I’m not sure Silbert helps Patrick just because she’s a woman. If female voters are voting on gender, they may simply go with the ticket where the woman’s #1, not where the woman is #2.
I think Silbert would help REILLY the most, she’d be a good balance of “outsider” and “non-government executive experience” as well as a more progressive feel to the ticket. Patrick doesn’t need someone else to be an outsider, and he’s already run a large branch of the federal justice department. And I think most progressives would be happy with a Patrick-Murray ticket.
I can’t see Goldberg helping any of the nominees, except for the money she could spend. She may be a good person, but I think she’s a terrible candidate.
I don’t know who the Patrick campaign wants, but I’ve seen a lot more Patrick-Murray sign combos around MetroWest than Patrick-Silbert.
stomv says
maybe, just maybe, women are capable of weighing multiple issues at the same time. So, maybe they want to vote for another woman, but also want to vote for a woman who will lobby for so-called womans’ issues: reproductive rights, schools, equal opportunity, whatever.
My point: maybe there are women who want to vote for women, but would rather vote for a female LG (D) than a female G (R); but would vote for a female G (R) before a G-LG male ticket (D).
This idea that they’d vote for the highest ranking woman ignores nuance. If I’ve learned anything from my wife, mother, and every other woman I’ve known well, its that women get nuances. So maybe, just maybe, they would vote a Dem ticket containing a female but not a male Dem ticket. It’s a nuance, but my experience is that women do well with nuances.
hlpeary says
Dukakis had a woman on the ticket….they won..then didn’t speak for 4 years…the woman had her own agenda that she wanted to pursue…and that was the end of her.
theopensociety says
Is that the Democrats won with a woman on the ticket or is it that there should never be another woman on the Democratic ticket because the last time we tried that she got all uppity on us?
kbusch says
The effectiveness of a Lt. Governor depends a great deal on the working relationship with the Governor. That, of course, is what makes the choice of LG so ineffable. Thus, Dukakis’ LG might have helped him get elected, but her positions and abilities had a negligible effect on governance.
theopensociety says
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
hlpeary says
She just thought the Lt. Gov. could “carve out her own role with an agenda to spur the economy and create jobs….Blueprint 2000″…sound vaguely familiar?
problem was that Duke thought he had been elected Governor and that he called the agenda shots…the rest is history. The results were not pretty.
Andrea is the last thing Deval or Chris want trying to upstage them for 4 years…better to have Goldberg, she might make you nuts, but at least she will help pay the freight…
Just one more reason why Chris Gabrieli and Deval Patrick are finishing their prayers each night with the words, “Please, God,Let it be Murray.”
freshayer says
How do you get attracted to Devals courage to build an organization away from the Dem Insiders and then think the only way he can win is to bring one of the insiders on board. Silbert brings the same wisdom to see the whole picture and not the one that plays the game the same old way. The same old same old is the problem not the solution.
rollbiz says
Simply put, Murray doesn’t play the game the same old way. Judge him as such at your own candidate’s peril. Tim offers the Central MA vote and the established politician vote without having the taint which some long time insiders carry. Why? He doesn’t operate as one.
Silbert is a good candidate, but Murray is a better one. In terms of making the best of a weakish position… and yes, in terms of ticket balance, Murray is the choice to make. I like Andrea a lot and would fully support her if she is chosen to the ticket, but I think it’s important to consider all that I have written above and also to note that I really don’t see her experience in the number 2 spot anywhere ever. I think the ability to make things happen from a weaker secondary leadership position has an obvious place in the argument of who would be best as LG.
smitty7764 says
Tim Murray is anything but the same old politician. He has looked at things creatively vs. other pols who remain complacent. We must remember not all politicians are bad. Tim is a great guy, we must remember that people who get elected as outsiders aren’t naturally bad upon getting into office. If Silbert gets elected will you abandon her next election cycle. I didn’t think so, you’ll probably tout all her achievements as an elected official. Tim has a great story to tell the people across the state and it seems to have kept him at the top of this race.
freshayer says
An interesting thing I find is the number of Republican friends who are looking at Silbert favorably because of the simple truth that it all comes down to job creation. She has a record of achivement on that one. Not your typical progressive campaign slogan. And not just fourtune 500 compaines that start up and move away but the small ones that stay around. I like Tim Murray and wish him well but as you state he knows how to play the game. In the last 16 years that is one game the Dems have repeatedly lost. When Andrea is elected you bet I will tout her achivements because everything about who she is and what she has done so far in her life assures me that there will be achivements.
highhopes says
Once some of the loyal Goldberg/Silbert people wake up and realize that our goal in the end is to win in Nov,and if they really believe that either Goldy or Andrea can help Deval you go to be on something. Patrick is going to need all the help — outside of 128, and moving towards Worcester– then West, it’s not going to be a cake walk for Patrick. Murray will balance this ticket and we won;t have to worry about anything he says to turn voters off.
Murray’s very appealing to the independent voter who may have voted for the Republicans in the past. Tim is a strong supporter of keeping our neighborhoods safe and fighting to keep our teachers properly staffed. These are what ,mainstream people care about. All though these things have been difficult he has been fair and people throughout this state will benefit from him being our next LG.
least we could all sleep better knowing that if God forbid our Gov did leave office prematurely we would have someone that is highly qualified to run this state. Can you tell me that Goldberg or Silbert could do this, I think not.
Hurry,hurry,vote for Murray !
migraine says
You actually believe that Tim Murray, as a Lt. Gov candidate would draw people to Deval… on what planet do people vote for the ticket based on who’s bringing up the tail? Sure, if Tim has a Republican aunt and uncle they might cross over but actual voters? Come on.
You do mention some things that set Tim Murray apart though:
– “Tim is a strong supporter of keeping our neighborhoods safe”
– “and fighting to keep our teachers properly staffed” (whatever that means)
Surely no other candidate cares about or supports our neighborhoods! In fact, I heard as a Brookline Selectwoman Deb Goldberg eliminated the police and fire, just so neighborhoods would no longer be safe.
Obviously I have a Silbert bias — but there’s one claim that fascinates me.
You say: “least we could all sleep better knowing that if God forbid our Gov did leave office prematurely we would have someone that is highly qualified to run this state. Can you tell me that Goldberg or Silbert could do this, I think not.”
Silbert: Full-time CEO with management experience
Murray: Part-time Mayor, elected city council member
Goldberg: Part-time former Selectwoman, rich
It seems to me that the only person with full time management experience is Andrea. Tim is in essence the equivalent of Deb Goldberg with a title that makes him sound more important and less money.
highhopes says
Thank GOD this is almost over, because your name fits you well. When talking about public safety and education, Tim Murray is the only candidate in this race that has actually put positions on them, go to Tim and see for youself. Andrea is a one issue candidate and yes jobs are important but there are so many others things that are happening everyday. And that was part of my point, that at least with a ELECTED MAYOR we have someone who has the experience with working together to solve everyday problems. Now you can not tell me that Andrea has this experience. Getting a nonprofit open and not paying taxes, taking property off the tax rolls is not the same, I know you want to say that she is the most qualified with her 3 (no student loans) from Harvard and her properties in Brookline and Harwich but it’s not the same.
Good Luck and by the way, how come you never respond back to my statements about the the student loans and properties,maybe because we will know that Andrea is not even close to being the middle class status that her she keeps touting.
hoss says
[NOTE: this post is fake and full of lies – just like HH’s posts.]
Andrea has thousands and thousands in student loans, tens of thousands more than the Fancy Lawyer Tim Murray does. Tim Murray has been defending criminals and the worst of society. How can he defend himself for working for the worst people in society? How can he justify being a lawyer – the worst respected profession in the country.
Plus, he’s a politician on top of it. A lawyer and a politician? It doesn’t get any worse than that. Plus he’s never started a business except that high flying lawfirm he’s a partner of. He must have secret stashes of cash from being a lawyer because no lawyer I know is poor.
What is Tim hiding, and where is he hiding his money and what does it say about his character that he’s chosen to work in the two LEAST respected professions in the country. It shows how much he lacks the judgment and character to be LG or any other important office.
See, I can dish out the lies with the best of them. Welcome to the taste of having lies and innaccuracies thrown your way, HH.
highhopes says
Your right Tim Murray is loaded, he lives in a mansion in Worcester, a 1600 sq ft ranch with his wife and daughter. He rakes in six figures as a lawyer,you are so right, please check out his financial records, you will see how much he is worth,PLESE GO LOOK !
p> He drives a 4 door Chevy Impala and his wife is a wealthy Occupational Therapists in the public schools. Tim’s mom a nurse and his dad a school teacher, they raised 5 children in the house that they presently live in. Tim is so wealthy he has been living in his mansion for almost 3 1/2 years, prior to this a 3 bedroom apartment with his wife. I guess Tim’s work protecting victims rights is a bad thing in your eyes and his work as a elected Mayor helping to solve problems, in the second largest city in this state is a bad thing as well.
And the fact that Andrea has never done anything but apply for a grant and nonprofit status and then use the money to create middle to below paying jobs. Besides the fact that she has never paid a student loan from her 3 Harvard degrees is a good thing. I’ll go with the poor guy any day.
I suppose that you must be supporting Gabby because Patrick was brought up on welfare and worked to represent victim rights when he worked as a LAWYER in the Clinton administration ! He to must be a bad guy, after all he is a lawyer, and now trying to be a politician.
p> In your eyes money is everything and it’s people like you who give the real middle class a bad rap, keep supporting the wealthy who don’t pay taxes and keep sucking the government dry.
rollbiz says
highhopes does not speak for, or represent, the large numbers of mostly sane Murray supporters. Largely, Murray supporters are able to spell and make coherent points on actual policy issues.
Some restrictions apply. See store for details.
highhopes says
If I am so wrong with the remarks I have made concerning your candidate then why not produce the facts that tell us that Andrea has student loans, or that Andrea has no properties in Brookline that she is collecting serious rents from. Hey if you want to throw dirt be prepared to back it up. Because Tim Murray is as clean as it gets !
I have stated facts and only facts, even with a nonprofit, the Silbert folks will not state where she pays the rent or how she does not benefit from having the nonprofit status. Spare the BS on thinking that what she has done is not a good think, I never said this. I have said that being the next LG should be more then helping people get jobs, there are a whole host of concerning issues that Tim is much more experienced in.
Oh,by the way your so right I do not have a 3 degrees from Harvard and sometimes I make a few mistakes in my spelling. Those of us that attended public schools and state colleges have not had the resources that charter school students get,never mind the private most expensive college in the country.
Common sense will prevail on Tuesday.
highhopes says
If I am so wrong with the remarks I have made concerning your candidate then why not produce the facts that tell us that Andrea has student loans, or that Andrea has no properties in Brookline that she is collecting serious rents from. Hey if you want to throw dirt be prepared to back it up. Because Tim Murray is as clean as it gets !
I have stated facts and only facts, even with a nonprofit, the Silbert folks will not state where she pays the rent or how she does not benefit from having the nonprofit status. Spare the BS on thinking that what she has done is not a good think, I never said this. I have said that being the next LG should be more then helping people get jobs, there are a whole host of concerning issues that Tim is much more experienced in.
Oh,by the way your so right I do not have a 3 degrees from Harvard and sometimes I make a few mistakes in my spelling. Those of us that attended public schools and state colleges have not had the resources that charter school students get,never mind the private most expensive college in the country.
Common sense will prevail on Tuesday.
hoss says
Tim lives in Weston in a mansion and just keeps his apartment in Worcester to vote. He should be thrown off the City Council for lying to the people of Worcester about his residence or that he cares about them. he only cares about money. he is going to lose tuesday so that he can go back to being a lawyer making money. lawyers are evil, and only want money. tim murray should stop trying to lie to the voters about what he cares about. he should try to be honest with himself and his wife about what he really is.
vicitms don’t need any more help, they are the ones sucking the government dry. please tell victims to pick themselves up and get their act together and maybe take a training class and the center for women and entreprise so they can do something with their life instead of living on the streets of worcester with the hobos that tim murray doesn’t want to give treatment to.
migraine says
If only we could get more people to listen to highhopes about why Murray is fab, we would have this thing in the bag.
joegeorgetowndc says
You have probably made the most inane comment I have heard in a long time. Thanks for the laugh. Go to and do a property search for property held in Weston by individuals with the last name Murray. There is NO property owned by either Tim or his wife in that town. Perhaps you suggest that he rents a mansion in that town but I find that unlikely. Actually Tim does not keep an apartment in Worcester, he owns a home, which he has placed a Declaration of Homestead on, indicating that it is his primary residence. The consideration on the purchase of his home in 2002 was 155,000 dollars. I don’t know where you live, but I doubt that 150k will get you a mansion there.
Stop mudslinging and face the issues. I do not know nor do I care who you actually support in this race, but if they saw those comments I am quite sure they would quickly disassociate themselves with you or face political suicide.
Tim Murray is a hard working middle-class man from a working family. If you have such a disdain for the legal profession why are you involved with politics, an area where the majority of leaders are attorneys. On top of it, you claim the politicians are scumbags yet you are working to help somebody win an elected office aka politician.
Murray will win this election. He represents the values that our citizens care about and has a proven track record in an elected office. It is true that Worcester operates under a Plan E form of Government where the mayor is not a true executive; however, Murray has brought consensus to the City Council and is responsible for the major projects currently under way. Also, not coincidentally, Worcester is now the fastest growing city or town in the Commonwealth. Murray is the best choice for LG and will complement whoever wins the gubernatorial primary.
migraine says
I can barely bring myself to respond to you — I just wish that more undecided people had a chance to read you before the election.
I’m supporting Deval, so obviously I don’t particularly care if my candidates are middle class or not. Your statements about her Harvard loans and rental houses are silly. I wish you would have responded to what I had written earlier, rather than just keep on talking with Murray talking points.
The fact of the matter is that Tim is a part time mayor, he’s not a mayor like Menino; Tim has no administrative duty when it comes to running Worcester. By your logic both Deval Patrick and Chris Gabrieli are also unfit because they have never held elected office, or that Gabrieli is somehow more fit that Patrick because at least he’s run before.
Am I right to assume you are looking for a Reilly/Murray ticket based on what you have to say and what you think disqualifies someone from elected office?
Silly logic.
margot says
Pragmatic reason: we all seem to agree that Deb Goldberg gets Patrick nowhere. Silbert’s numbers are still trailing significantly, and the race seems to be between Murry and Goldberg. Do you want Goldberg on the ticket? If not, vote for Tim Murray.
What’s to vote for about Murray: Tim Murray has been involved in politics from a very young age, but what does this tell you? There are some politicians who are in it for their own aggrandizement, and some who want to get a job done. Tim Murray, like both Jim McGovern and Deval Patrick, is one of the latter. It’s true that the office of mayor in Worcester is largely ceremonial, but, unlike his predecessors, Tim Murray hasn’t approached it that way. He’s used every minute of it to try to advance an agenda of improving the city. State Senator Ed Augustus, when he was Jim McGovern’sw chief of staff, once told me that just about every week Tim was on the phone with their office to get information about some grant or program that would help Worcester.
I’m flabbergasted at what some users here are saying about Tim. It just doesn’t make sense. I’ve always found him to be a person of integrity. If you want to know about his approach to politics, read how he helped Jim McGovern. If you want to know more about Tim’s record on environmental issues, read my previous post.
Here’s a very practical way Tim helps Deval get votes: here in Central Mass some of the Democratic Party leadership are Reilly supporters and they like the old boys’ network staying just the way it is, thank you. (One of them called Deval Patrick “unelectable” long before Gabrieli did). I suspect some of them might just sit on their hands with Deval as the nominee. If Tim is on the ticket, they just aren’t going to be able to do that.
Conclusion: Patrick/Murray is the winning ticket, and we can be proud of both of them!