Video: Diane Patrick – Part 1 (6:43)
Mrs. Patrick tells us that knowing Deval over the years, he’s never been happier than when he’s been in public service. The next First Lady of Massachusetts continues,
Deval came to me on Christmas [2004] and said, “You know, I think it’s time. I think it’s my time. I think I’m going to do this. I think I’m ready and I think the citizens are ready. I need your support and the kids support..
People he spoke to said, “you know, you’re a great guy… but you know there’s a little skepticism here. You can’t raise the money, no one knows who you are and you don’t have any political capital to trade on.”
I remember when it became public that he was going to throw his hat in the ring. There was a huge headline on the cover of the Patriot-Ledger above the fold in huge block letters, “DEVAL WHO?” with a big question mark and I know that’s all it took to help to spur him on…
So he’s got a thing with question marks in a headline. That’s totally legit.
Here’s the actual story from the Patriot-Ledger archives. Patrick is referred to as “Milton man” because that’s where he lives. A nondescript title for an obscure longshot. So sweet.
Deval who?: Milton man faces uphill climb for corner officeMILTON – On a busy Saturday morning, Deval Patrick was somewhere between his present and his possible future. The night before, the longtime Milton resident and former Justice Department official was at a gathering for Sen. John Kerry in Boston, “meeting the people I need to meet” if he runs for governor next year…
But Patrick is the first to admit that he faces an uphill climb if he plunges into a Democratic primary that’s likely to be dominated by Attorney General Tom Reilly.
Video: Diane Patrick – Part 2 (4:00)
This clips starts with a story about the town of Heath, MA. It’s a population of about 700 or so. Deval met someone from Heath and he was invited to speak to the town anytime he could find the place, he did. On primary night the town of Heath voted 178 for Patrick, 4 for Gabrieli and 2 for Reilly.
The Town of Heath, Massachusetts was first settled in 1765 and was officially incorporated in 1785. The town is named after William Heath, the Major General of Massachusetts and Brigadier General in the national army during the American Revolution. — source
On a more personal note…
The fact that you’re here to support this candidacy and this campaign Which Deval has said and will say again, is not about him, it’s about all of us here.
It just gives us the strength and the courage and the conviction to just push back every time we are pushed and rise above the negativity and say: This is not what we want, this is not what we’re about.
The people of Massachusetts are better than that. We are going to succeed on Nov. 7th and we are going to carry a new day into the State House. A new community that includes all of us.
Video: John Tierney (D-MA06) (9:27)
Tierney starts in with a real barn-burning speech addressing the national and local concerns of the day. Security, the negativity of politics, the importance of community and the importance of getting involved to send a message to George Bush and the cynical politics that we endure today.
These votes should be large and enthusiastic to send the message that this district is not based on fear, it’s not based on anger or hate, it’s based on hope and motivation and moving forward.
There are those that think that the country is so divided that the only way to win an election here is to make sure that your polarized section is larger than their polarized section. And then driving the hatred, driving the anger, driving the fear so that those people that might vote for positive reasons might get discouraged and cynical and stay home.
[People] understand that with the leadership we have in the State House and the governor’s office and the President of this country and the Republican majority in the Congress that they don’t get it. They think it has to built on something deep and personal and angry and they’re moving us in the wrong direction.
We need to send George Bush a message.
Video: Rep. Mike Costello, Rep. Harriet Stanley and Sen. Steve Braddour (4:35)
The delegation from the bury-s representing Newburyport, Newbury, West Newbury, Amesbury and Salisbury is featured in this clip. They were on hand to meet Mrs. Patrick too and fired up the crowd in this clip. Costello and Braddour are running unopposed this year, but Stanley, pictured here, could use your help against the “hockey player” as John Tierney called him.
Video: Diane Patrick – The Crowd (7:55)
In this clip you can see a candid exchange between Mike Costello, State Rep from Newburyport, and Mrs. Patrick. Costello is a defense attorney, former prosecutor and he recounts to Diane that Healey smeared him over Melanie’s Law because Costello had the temerity to raise constitutional issues with how the bill was written.
Costello: Healey came after me on Melanie’s Bill because we raised some constitutional issues. Ya know, who would have ever thought that we were anti-American for talking about the constitution. So it hits home…
Diane Patrick: You know, the thought of having someone as our governor that doesn’t appreciate the constitution and the protections that it offers all of us is very frighte
I also got to meet a couple of ladies that drove to Newburyport from Northampton, NoHo, for a day on the town shopping. They’re big Deval supporters, they parked their car and found out soon after that Mrs. Patrick would be speaking in Newburyport that day.
They came by the headquarters, had a little lunch and one of the ladies got to talk to Diane for a minute or two as she arrived. She was very punctual, the politeness of Queens.
The lady from Northampton can be seen on the tape telling Mrs. Patrick, “All you see is Deval signs all over that part of state.” Nothing but Deval… I always thought Western Mass. was grossly under-rated. Smart people out there.
Plant a sign, maybe it’ll grow into a governor.
Recent Video Clips of Patrick:
- From DevalPatrick TV:
- President Clinton in Boston (26:00) October 16.
The Big Dog will be back in the state for a rally October 25 in Worcester at the DCU center.If you’re going then you need to pick up a free ticket at your local campaign headquarters.
- On Kerry Healey and the Politics of Fear (4:00) October 13.
Patrick’s public statement on the disclosure in the Boston Herald that day.
- Full Speech: Boston Common Rally for Change (25:00) October 15.
It’s a good one, check it out sometime if you missed it. It certainly wasn’t covered on TV, here’s a chance to see the whole glorious thing.
- President Clinton in Boston (26:00) October 16.
- Just words (3:57) October 15.
Boston Common Rally for Change
- Politics, Katrina and the Democratic Party (3:59)
August 2006 in Gloucester.
- Debate Question 1: Frank Phillips to Deval Patrick (5:22) October 18.
What is your personal response to the ad, do you think there is a racial subtext?
- Debate Question 3: Emily Rooney to Kerry Healey (4:44) October 18.
What are we supposed to take away from that ad? “That a compliment condones LaGeur’s actions or that if Deval Patrick is elected governor women should fear they’re more likely to get raped?
- Gubernatorial candidate Patrick appears at Pittsfield fundraiser October 21.
A video report from Capital 9 News from the fundraiser. David Capeless, Berkshire County District Attorney, was out in full force to support Patrick. In this clip he calls for a “repudiation” of the Healey campaign “in the privacy of the voting booth” with a vote for Patrick.

Media links:
Polls show unenrolled support for Mihos low October 22.
Healey renews call to Patrick for 1-on-1 debate October 21.
Massachusetts, Back in the Game by E.J. Dionne October 20.
Unfortunately, this article merits special attention.
Attack of the attack ads: Healey, Patrick camps decry TV assaults
October 22.
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) yesterday ripped Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey’s campaign for “sinking to new lows” by sending prison uniform-clad volunteers portraying “Inmates for Deval” to the homes of Deval Patrick and his campaign manager, John Walsh.
Obama also accused Healey of running a nasty, negative-ad-fueled campaign of “fear.”
But Healey’s spokesman said the ads simply tell the truth in response to union-funded attack ads aimed at her.“The nastiness is all coming from one side – I haven’t seen Deval running a bunch of nasty, negative ads, have you?” Obama said at an early-morning campaign appearance with Patrick yesterday.
Blog links:
Healey’s campaign: the worst Massachusetts has ever seen
David at Blue Mass Group has a picture of the “Inmates for Deval”
Healey’s new ads, and women who have “complimented a rapist”
This blog piece includes a YouTube clip from the debate where Healey refuses to ask Mitten to stop making Massachusetts the butt of his jokes.
Healey’s blatant lie about police on the streets, and other garbage
Just FYI on Romney and Healey:
In 2002, Romney set a state record for personal contributions to a gubernatorial campaign, donating $6.3 million to his political committee. As of mid-September, Healey had already contributed $7.2 million. That is on top of the $1.8 million she donated to her 2002 campaign.
— source
Send a message in Massachusetts…
And on a more positive note, we have this brand new from the Deval campaign…
Watch the new ad featuring Tim Murray, Democratic nominee for Lt. Gov and the next Lt. Governor of Massachusetts replacing outgoing Kerry Healey of Beverly.
Video: Mayor Tim Murray. (0:30)
See you out there…
Great work here. I wished everyone I knew had a fast enough connection to enjoy all the videos. This is just flat-out awesome. Thanks!
She’s going to make a classy first lady for Massachusetts. MBair, this is one of your finest vlogs and a treasure trove of links. Thank you.
mbair, you gonna be in Wista on Wed? We need guerrilla vlogs of the blogger lovefest…
I shot my wad timewise on this one. I do have a ticket, so if I can possibly make it I’ll be there.
That would be a cool event to vlog, but it’ll be hours of tape. Kerry, Kennedy, Murray, Patrick and Clinton. That’s going to finish at sun-up. If I’m going I’ll let you know around here on a Worcester thread.