SEIU officials would have you believe that their union would allow more access to child care. This in fact is not true. DEEC, the state agency which manages child care subsidies walks a fine balance between access and affordability. What will happen, in three years, if the union tries to negotiate private rates for these subsidized slots? Prices will go up and access for the working poor families of Massachusetts will be even more limited than it is now. Currently, there are more then 3500 low income working families waiting for child care subsidies from the state. If this question passes that number will easily double in two years. Even if the SEIU succeeds in raising daily reimbursement rates for providers, it will be unlikely that providers will see this increase as it will be eaten up by union dues and other fees. Also, providers would not be receiving the free training and supplies that they currently receive.
As far as the issue of health insurance is concerned, many of these non-profit agencies have been working for years to try to find a balance of affordable group plans that these providers can participate in. These efforts have been in large part successful. Some providers choose not to participate because they expect to pay next to nothing. That is just not fair to the rest of us.
Finally, just who is this really going to benefit. The fact is, the majority of home day care providers (especially those who do business in suburban communities) dont even provide state subsidized care. Most are not even aware of this question on the ballot. The SEIU has not bothered to reach out to them for support and that is questionable behavior. So who is this initiative really going to benefit? Not working families and not the majority of home day care providers in the state. Is it potentially, and the key word is potentially, going to benefit a small number of urban child care providers who want someone to manage their business for them? And at what cost to working families and the majority of home day care providers who run successful business without the SEIU s interference?
There are just too many unanswered questions with this issue. The correct place for this argument should not be on the ballot with citizens being duped by a misleading ballot question. The correct place for this argument should be with the legislature so that an investigation as its ramifications can take place.
Vote no on this question to protect quality child care in this state and to protect the working families of Massachusetts.