As a sports fan, i tune into WEEI (run by the same company that operates WRKO) to listen to sports chatter. the problem is — with very few exceptions — the talk show hosts are right-wing republican bigots (over and above the despicable Dennis and Callahan) who get away with unbelievable hate talk masked as humor. no way do i care to hear what those morons have to say about anything political, and yet they spew their hatred all the time.
I once emailed and called Jason Wolfe (then the program director of ‘eei, i believe) to complain about the homophobic rants by Larry Johnson, an African-American minister and ‘EEI co-host, who went on and on one day about the evils of equal marriage. Wolfe defended Johnson because of his so-called “religious beliefs.” I told him if Johnson had said similar things about African-Americans, Jews, Catholics, et al, Wolfe would have fired him immediately. Instead he did absolutely nothing. But as a lesbian, I’m completely outside of EEI’s target audience, so what did he care. I’d love to see a full frontal attack on these guys.
jpsox says
I’ve been listening to EEI since middle school and it has always offended me, sometimes to the point where I can’t listen anymore – and I love catching the latest news from their “moles” đŸ˜‰ so this is a big deal. They don’t care about me, either, I’m an 18-25 year old female. There’s not much to be done, I’m afraid.
Have you seen that Ted Sarandis is running for some small office as a Repub? All the hosts are schilling for him, too. Oops, freudian slip.
mlek says
talk about republican hypocrisy. the ‘eei boys are constantly trashing sarandis, and now they’re boosting him? jerks
kathy says
Honestly, I stopped listening because I couldn’t take the racism and homophobia, and I’m a huge Sox/Pats fan. It just seems that WEEI’s shows have become less about sports and more about appealing to a narrow base of bigots.
mlek says
they’re the lone ‘eei voices i can come up with who are not bigoted, right-wing republicans, but they rarely make political comments. i’m about done with ‘eei as well, although i love sports chatter. but i agree with you, these racist, homophobic morons talk less and less about sports and more and more about political and social issues. if i wanted to listen to that swill, i’d turn to rush limbaugh.
sco says
I remember shortly after the first same-sex marriages were performed listening to one of either Dennis or Callahan (and aren’t they really just the same person?) try to get Dale Arnold to admit that marriage equality would lead to polygamy, but Dale wouldn’t take the bait. He’s one of the good ones.
john-driscoll says
It’s not just the bigotry, it’s the lack of intelligence. For me, the problem started with the beginning of the Iraq invasion and the hosts decided they were qualified to talk about the politics of the Middle East. This is what happens when George Bush sets an example with his ignorant blundering.