Hopefully, many of you have heard that Sen. Edwards is expected to announce his candidacy this week and to stop in Portsmouth, NH as part of his announcement tour (Little Harbour Elementary School, at 12:00 Noon).
I was the technology coordinator for the Lamont campaign in Connecticut and helped arrange a meet and greet for Sen. Edwards with bloggers from around the state when he came up to campaign for Ned.
I’m helping trying to arrange a similar Meet and Greet in New Hampshire, as well as a conference call for New England bloggers. If you are interested in attending a meet and greet or joining the conference call, please drop me a note.
ahynes1 at optonline dot net
(Full disclosure: I do not currently work for the Edwards campaign, but I have had discussions with people about that as a possibility.)
Story from here and the new Boston area Website designed to help get your crazy left wing fix back is here.
Please post this info in a separate user post. Thanks.
I cannot understand why someone in this thread is comparing John Edwards and Ronald Reagan at all. That seems really weird to me. I expect that comparing any two people there will be similarities and differences. One is a former actor and union president (Reagan), the other is a former self-employed trial attorney. (Edwards). One is dead; therefore I gather sacrosant; the other is alive, and therefore “fair game”.
He only served 1 term, retiring before the 2004 election.
it is customary to show respect to former members of congress and presidents by using the former titles. they’re not calling pres. ford “gerry” in today’s obits, they’re calling him ‘president’.
it is customary to refer to former elected officials by the title of their highest elected office. Hence, Sen. Edwards should still be referred to as Sen. Edwards, even though he is no longer in office.
(Ref EnglishPlus and others.)
What is the time for these events – I bet I am NOT the only one who wants to know. With all due respect to former President Ford – and I am a native of Michigan and DO respect him, life will go on and work will go on for me. I do admit I lit a vigil candle.
But the death of one man, no matter how good, does not pause my interest in the living.
If he can pull off the community service as part of engaging people into his cause, it will be brillant. General Clark (what is his first name anyway?) called on his volunteers to give certain days for communty service in ’03, but like alot of things in that late-entry campaign–it never had time to gell.
Edwards is trying to use new technologies to build a field organization of engaged supporters around his central message of poverty. If it works, it maybe the story of the primary.
And this coming from someone who has Edwards, at best, as third on my dance card.
is CLark’s 1st name
I’d be very surprised if I ended up voting for Edwards in the primary, but I like this video a lot. It sets a good tone and it bases his candidacy on good principles.
I appreciate patriotic calls to action, to fix what is wrong as soon as we can before an election. If his campaign sticks to this, it will do good — even if he loses. Very admirable.
Seems like he would have practiced his talk a few times before filming the video. It could have been so much better. However, I suppose this is a minor piece of promotional material and will get lost in teh shuffle of tomorrow’s formal announcement.
Yeah, I noticed that, too. That may be intentional, though, as if it were a personal communication rather than an ad. Dunno.
I simply can not vote for a man who supported the Patriot Act and voted for the IWR. Both show a serious lack of judgement. However he wants to repackage himself he is still the same man and I do not trust him with the leadership of our country. He will not be getting my support.
If Hillary Clinton wins you’re stuck, aren’t you?
and in fact I did work on a fund raiser for Kerry (since no one in my city committee’s leadership would lift a finger to help their candidate) and volunteered for him a lot in the general… he would fall in to that category too.