If the front page story in Globe today can be believed, Robert E. Travaglini and to a less extent Sal DiMasi showed the type of true blue spirit (of the kind that killed the Clean Elections Law and hasn’t let IRV see the light of day) yesterday.
Maybe Trav is ticked because his pal hasn’t yet gotten a plum job in the administration and may Sal is ticked because his pork is being threatened, but I certainly hope Patrick stands up to both of them, and finds a way to use the grassroots organizing of his campaign to put pressure on the legislature to work in the best interest of the people, not in the best interest of the legislators.
The upside of the Patrick victory is that Sal and Trav sounded like kids having temper trantrums. Some parents will do anything to quiet a such a child, I hope Deval is strong parent.
This is what he sold us right? Hope.