2. Our roads and bridges are crunmbling around us.
3. Our higher education system is so poorly funded, we are 47th in the nation and one of only two states with no public law school [I say this as a Michigan native where there are 4 public law schools and very good ones, at that] and some of our colleges have buildings that are actually falling down.
4. But for ill-considered tax cuts in the 1990s, there would be no deficit at all, nor would “local aid” a/k/a return of capital to cities and towns be lower than it was in 2002, see http://www.massbudge…
5. Only 5 states spend less on public services than Massachusetts (see report, above at #4).
Where did the mean-spirited idea that taking care of one another via public services and government come from??
Deb a/k/a AmberPaw@aol.com
amberpaw says
where did the idea that taking care of one another via government was BAD come from?
sabutai says
Did Patrick ask them for a level-funded budget, and a 5% increase as well?
Because if he didn’t, it’s obvious the only choice is cutting a little and cutting a lot.