(Please excuse this gratuitious post.)
Bill O’Reilly is nuts! No, this time he is really, somebody-get-this guy-to-the-Zoloft-factory nuts. Watch here as our favorite lying, mic-cutting champion of child abuse’s head almost explodes with wrath as Geraldo Rivera (champion of reason) correctly tries to wrangle Bill back to the reality that this tragedy is about drunk driving, plain and simple:
Transfixing. Amusing. O’Reilly’s best performance to date. Excuse me while I watch this again.
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charley-on-the-mta says
says they had a good chuckle and went out for beers afterwards. Or more likely, beforehand.
Two monumental shysters takin’ it to each other. Pro Wrestling Punditry: I’m surprised O’Reilly didn’t take a folding chair to Geraldo.
laurel says
You may be correct, but Geraldo still walked away the winner on ORiledup’s show. He made great points on Bill. Geraldo – holding the line of reason. Whew knew?!
schoolzombie87 says
didn’t buy the dog and pony show
but entertaining
tblade says
I thought Bill O was gonna give Geraldo the Lord Vader choke hold.
You cannot fake the pure resentment oozing from Bill O and the faces of utter disgust – wow. I bought every minute of it. If this was entirely staged – bravo. Bill O deserves an emmy and a development deal from Fox. He could be the douchey version of Jack Bauer; instead of protecting us against terrorists, Bill O could lead a secret elite tactical unit of the ICE, raiding sweatshops, seperating children from parents, and stopping illegals from drunk driving, all while taking secret orders from a faceless man who sounds suspiciously like Lou Dobbs. Kind of like the A-Team, only the “A” stands for something else.
tblade says
(Yes, I do have better things to do with my time, but I just don’t want to write papers.)
In 2005, Esquire ran a faux advice column tittled “Ask O’Reilly” with made up questions answered with text from the sexual harrasament lawsuit filed by a former Fox News producer (which was settled out of court):