Our most recent “banging of the drum” is coverage of regional displeasure in ths bill (Liquid Coal Backlash in Coal Mining Region), anti-coal activism (Asheville NC activists confront Bank of America for coal industry investments), and hope for a different, better future (Resource Rich, Dirt Poor: Time for a New Deal in Appalachia).
The Coal to Liquid Fuel bill is a bad piece of legislation. It will increase, not decrease carbon emissions. It will increase, not decrease destruction Mountain Top Removal coal mining. It will increase, not decrease the transfer of wealth to corporate energy owners. This bill is bad energy policy, bad social policy, and bad environmental policy.
Thank you for your support to stop tax-payer subsidies for Liquid Coal.
Clem Guttata
West Virginia Blue
raj says
The Rape of Appalachia
Appalachia’s mountains are being blasted at a rate of several ridgetops each week. Parents fear for the health of their children. And those trying to fight the devastation have found that coal baron Don Blankenship, C.E.O. of Massey Energy, is tougher than bedrock.
Vanity Fair, May 2006
Before I read this shortly after it was published in hardcopy, I was unaware that coal mining companies were actually doing strip-mining in WVA. I knew they had been doing it in the west for decades, but not WVA.
wvablue says
Thanks, raj, I hadn’t seen that article before. It’s quite an amazing piece. It does a great job of summarizing what’s been going on down here in West Virginia.
If you want to learn more about Mountain Top Removal, probably the best website to start from is ilovemountains.org.
lori says
that it’s not a local issue. (irreparable double negative there, sorry) There’s a whole lot of sniffing around going on.
Thanks for posting this Clem. Energy policy never takes the entire coal lifecycle issues into account. The NYTimes had a great editorial last week called The Coal Trap which looked at the absurdity of trying to solve one problem by exacerbating another (worse) problem. Here’s a big excerpt: