It shouldn't be a shock: the forces that be in the South Coast really, really want a casino. It's the poorest part of the state and they'll take anything. No one should be surprised that UMASS Dartmouth has a casino hack “expert” who can lend such great advice to our Governor. From being at UMASS Dartmouth for the most recent years of my life, I know enough about Clyde Barrow to know that his studies and ideas are flawed. If people want the advice of a professor from UMASS Dartmouth that truly deserves respect – I suggest the advice of Professor John Carroll, the former head of the Political Science Department and State Politics expert: let's use this threat of casinos and knock on Connecticutt and Rhode Island's doors. They don't want us to build any of them, never mind three (including bigger and better ones). They'll pay us not to build them. If people want casino money that isn't mainly redistributed from other sectors of Massachusetts, that's one brilliant way of getting it – and keeping our character and local economies intact.
Who Was Responsible for Deval’s Casino Plans?
Please share widely!
eury13 says
Easy… the Governor.
No matter who told him what or tried to sell him on whichever plan, the proposal is his.