I am presently one of two candidates for the open seat for Democratic State Committeeman representing the Suffolk & Norfolk State Senate District (Roslindale, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Dedham, Westwood and Norwood). It appears that the local media will not cover this election as it is a strictly partisan race.
I have been involved in Democratic Party politics for a majority of the past twenty five years. I am a member of the Ward 19 Democratic Committee in Boston, I was an Alternate Elector in 2000 for Al Gore, a Delegate to the 2004 Democratic National Convention and I am presently the 9th Congressional District Liason for Progressive Democrats of America.
I believe that this district deserves a State Committeeman that will attend a majority or all of the four quarterly meetings of the Democratic State Committee, will keep the Democrats of the district informed about the proceedings of the Party & understands that they represent the entire district and not just one ward in the City of Boston or one town. I would like to serve the people of my district in this capacity, and I humbly request their support of my candidacy. If you have any questions of me, please feel free to email me or call me at my home. My phone number is (617)327-8769, and evenings between 6 and 9 P.M. is the best time to reach me.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson Jr.
Candidate for Democratic State Committeeman
Suffolk & Norfolk State Senate District
(Roslindale, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Dedham,
Westwood & Norwood)
patricka says
This is the seat that has been held by Chris Cawley since he won an open seat (over Marc Draisen) back in 1988; it has not been contested since.
p>Under the Mass Dems rules, since Cawley has been a member of the committee for 20 years, he’s now becomes a member-at-large for life and the SUNO district seat becomes an open seat.
p>Since very few incumbents ever lose these races, an open seat is an excellent opportunity to get onto the state party.
pablo says
Also, in the Fourth Middlesex district, Bob Peters appears to be uncontested in his bid for a seat on the Democratic State Committee. Bob is another excellent progressive, who is great at organizing at the grassroots. Let’s just keep on adding to the good news!
howardjp says
For the Second Suffolk male slot. Tom McDonough, long-time JP/Ward 19 activist and Joshua Dawson of Ward 5 are running for the seat. I’ve enjoyed my term on the Democratic State Committee, particularly for the interaction between most of the 10 Ward Committees of the district. We’ve shared best practices, held forums together and displayed the diversity of our great district in the best way possible — by all of us working together. I’m grateful to the Ward Chairs, their representatives to our working group, to my elected counterpart, Marie Turley of Ward 11 and State Rep. Marty Walz, the female caucus elected member.
p>I will continue to foster cooperation among the Second Suffolk wards as a member of the Ward 19 Committee. I also wish John Walsh, Stacey Monahan and the DSC leadership well. I do believe that structural change is needed in the DSC to reduce the number of members and in doing so, better empower and hold accountable the members elected by the public. Right now, those of us who put our names on the ballot, spend a few bucks etc are a distinct minority when one adds the caucus-elected members, twenty year members and others. This should change.
p>Note: The other candidate in the Suffolk and Norfolk race is Dan Settana, I believe, who is currently the caucus-elected male. Dan has been a regular attendee at the State Committee meetings I’ve attended. Don’t know if anyone has declared their intentions for the male caucus seat.
warrior02131 says
Dear howardjp:
p>Dr.Jerold Carlson of West Roxbury is the caucus selected male from the Suffolk & Norfolk District. He attended one of the four Democratic State Committee meetings in 2007.
p>Judith Settana, Dan Settana’s wife is the elected Democratic State Committeewoman for the district. She also only attended one meeting of four in 2007. Dan Settana is the Chair of the Ward 20 Democratic Committee and is not a member of the Democratic State Committee.
Source: Attendence records on file with the Democratic State Committee office in Charlestown, MA
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson Jr.
Candidate for Democratic State Committeeman
(Roslindale, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Dedham, Westwood & Norwood)
howardjp says
In any case, I have seen Dan at many State Committee meetings during my tenure. Maybe MORE impressive given that he isn’t a member himself. Thanks for the correction!!
amberpaw says
I took out papers, collected signatures with some helpers, and am on the ballot for the 4th Middlesex State Democratic Committee seat. According to the Secretary of States office, I am running unopposed.
p>The seat became open as Pat Deal, who has held the 4th Middlesex seat for 20 years also became an “at large” delegate due to the 20 year rule.
p>Rob Peters and I would represent the 4th Middlesex District at the State Democratic Committee – I look forward to serving Arlington, Lexington, Woburn, Billerica and Burlington.
davesoko says
I thought Bob Peters, who dropped out of the state senate special a few months back, was going for that DSC seat, too?
kate says
In each senate district, Democrats will be electing one man and one women. The vote is part of the Presidential Primary vote.
kate says
I am a candidate for reelection to the DSC in the Middlesex and Worcester district, and also, according to the SOC, unopposed. I look forward to continuing my work serving the Democrats of the M&W district.
p>Welcome to Bob and Deborah. I look forward to working with both of you.
p>Attendance at DSC meetings is only one part of serving on the DSC. Certainly attendance at meetings is a way of gauging a member’s commitment and interest, but it should be looked at in context of other ways of serving the Democratic Party and one’s constituents. It is also very easy to forget to sign the attendance roster; it’s quite possible that a member may have been in attendance and that was not recorded. There were actually five meetings in 2007. I’m guessing that Wayne reviewed the records prior to the time of the fifth meeting. I was at all five meetings, and would not be surprised if I forgot to sign in at least once.
p>Howard, I remembered to spell check this time! Interesting observations in your post.
warrior02131 says
Let’s get down to brass tacks. I am certain that Mr. Settana was not in attendence when his wife a DSC member herself was not. He is her ride to the meeting. Moreover, if someone forgot to sign in once that is understandable having been the caucus member for my district from 2000 to 2004. The saddest thing of all in this situation is that when I checked the attendence of our four year man for this year, he had attended NONE of the meetings. If Mr. Settana was so concerned with representation on the DSC, he as Chairman of the Ward 20 Democratic Committee could have easily started proceedings to have that member removed for lack of attendence.
p>This means that this district deserves someone who will show up to a majority or all of the meetings of the organization they wish to represent. I have made a commitment to do just so, and both Howard and Kate know that I have worked diligently for the Democratic Party for years. Howard was the Chair of my Ward Committee in Boston, and Kate was the Co – Chair of the Field Services Committee of the Democratic State Committee when I was a member. If the Democrats of my district want pro – active, responsive representation on the Democratic State Committee, I want this job,and I promise to do it.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne Wilson
howardjp says
Wayne, I wish you well in your effort to return to the DSC, you’re a good Democrat, as is Dan, and you’ve both served the party well.
p>I’m sure the voters of the Suffolk and Norfolk district will decide wisely …
judy-meredith says
clarify please — (1) are you a 20 year member who will stay on the state committee or (2) are you resigning?
kate says
But if Howard is not 20 year, then he would simply be not standing for reelection, not resigning. Splitting hairs. Kate
howardjp says
Just not running for reelection, I do expect to serve out my term, which has been abbreviated by the earlier election. I look forward to continuing to work with the Democrats of the Second Suffolk group, as well as my Ward 19 colleagues, and will follow the race for the Second Suffolk Senate seat with great interest.