Dobbs’s popularity results from filling the vacuum spineless establishment Democrats are leaving in their wake. In the absence of strong progressive leadership, Lou Dobbs has been able to twist populist rhetoric into anti-migrant hate and economic irrationality.
Make sure to sign the petition to boycott Lou Dobbs over at . Let him know that the people he claims to represent will not stand for his harmful rhetoric. His words divide and degrade human kind.
I also want to thank Max and the Marginalized for giving me permission to use their music in the video. Check out their myspace page to hear more music. Their only asking for a donation of 50 cents for each downloaded song. Not bad for quality work like this. The lyrics for Dobbs-inspired song, “Weeknights at Six” are below.
Weeknights at six a face comes on my screen
With flapping jowls and vicious scowls obscene
Up in arms and sounding alarms about keeping the homeland clean
Weeknights at six I see things better left unseen
Correspondents nervously chuckle along
As you shake your head and stare at your desk and yawn
Taking a breaking from the news for the hate, the complaints they go on for so long
Weeknights at six, tell me what else is on
‘Cause there’s other things that happen on any given day
But the subject never changes it’s just “Get them out right away”
You haven’t lost a thing, yet you’re taking back what’s yours
Weeknights at six I don’t want to watch no more
Weeknights at six the venom crawls through the wire
Legitimizing the fringe for an hour entire
With one of them stuck so deep in your mouth I can’t hold your feet to the fire
Weeknights at six, it’s early but Christ, I’m tired
That vitriolic monologue comes time and time again
I expect that shit from KFI but not from CNN
And since I tuned in yesterday I’ve heard this one before
Weeknights at six I don’t want to watch anymore
You haven’t lost a thing and you’re taking back what’s yours
Weeknights at six I don’t want to watch no more
As Bill O’Reilly, yet in many ways even more dangerous.
It’s the jowls.
with the racist. Sometimes the best way to deal with a complete wacko is to assuage him so he goes away. What did you want? Lou Dobbs to confront the man and have the situation escalate.
p>Kyle you have proven again and again that you can’t be objective in this debate. Hell you don’t even want us to enforce the laws we already have on the books.
p>Nice try though.
Gosh, I dunno, maybe some indication that Dobbs didn’t agree with the guy.
p>”Avoiding confrontation.” Please. Confrontation is how Dobbs makes his living.
p>As for being “objective,” what does that mean? Not taking sides? Surely Dobbs isn’t “objective” by that definition; Kyle isn’t either, nor are you. So what?
p>Nice try indeed.
What happened right when the tape was cut out and the man was escorted from the premises? That’s what it looked like was happening from Kyledeb’s selective editing.
p>It seemed that Lou Dobbs was going to say lets get back to reality.
p>I can’t believe you fell for Kyledeb’s trash.
For backing me up and promoting this post, I really appreciate it.
It ain’t worth physical confrontation, for Dobbs or for anyone else in the room.
p>Say what will calm the guy enough to leave the premises — but confronting him or calling him out for his crazytalk while he’s in the room won’t change his mind. Everybody else in the room saw the guy was crazy, and understood Dobbs was keeping the situation non-physical.
p>I can’t stand Dobbs, but I think the way he acted in the first clip was entirely appropriate and responsible.
There are very few people here that can call another out on his or her objectivity. I know I’m not one.
“I don’t agree with your viewpoint, but I respect your right to state your opinion,” instead of saying I appreciate your viewpoint. That would have been a completely different response. Lou Dobbs decided that he needed to increase his ratings a while back and decided he could do that by championing the anti-immigration cause. It is all about the money, as it is for Bill O’Reilly, which is why Dobbs and O’Reilly are both despicable.
p>Whether Lou Dobbs is a racist or not does not matter because his “campaign” is encouraging racists. He might as well be a racist.
that video was nothing. The heckler is obviously mentally disturbed. I thought it was appropriate for Dobbs to ignore him. Dobbs handled it well.
There is no point to this youtube piece of junk.
Have failed to comment on the most significant aspect of the video. Perhaps Dobbs was right not to try and provoke that deranged man, but you both failed to comment on the fact Lou Dobbs, ON HIS SHOW THE VERY NEXT DAY, tried to accuse Gutierrez of race baiting when HE DIDN’T EVEN MENTION RACE.
p>You can keep trying to attack my pro-migrant stance all you want EaBo and Ruppert, but it’s time that I called both of you out on your own honesty, because certainly the viewpoints above fail to even address the most significant part of the video.
I just don’t think that the first video was instructive. Dobbs’ shielding racism in populism is old news. Since the first half of the video wasn’t instructive [legit concern for public safety in the proximity of a loonie trumps most other things], and the second half was just same old Lou, we’ve learned nothing.
p>P.S. It’s certainly possible to race bait without using the word race. It’s simple, really: don’t go on shows where the host is a bully. This applies to Dobbs, Bill O’, or anyone else.
This is the only clip that I’ve seen where Dobbs clearly brings up race without the other person doing the same. I think that is significant. If you can find another I will agree.
p>Furthermore, all of these arguments about how Dobbs, Tancredo, and all of these nuts are not relevent are ridiculous. They brought Gov. Spitzer to their knees with his license plan. There’s power here and we ignore it at our own peril.
after seeing your selective editing. You have a habit of showing us a forest instead of the tree you actually want to make a point with.
p>Why ruin your argument with selective editing of an encounter with an obviously deranged man. As I stated previously I stopped the video then, didn’t feel the need to watch the rest.
You accuse me of selective editing but you have no proof. You can see the rest of the videos on ICIRR’s youtube page. Lou Dobbs said a whole lot worse things at the convening. For instance he criticized someone for calling themselves Mexican American. He told a religious person to seek redemption. After that segment right there, after he said, “you’ve had your say”, he went on to another topic, and it wouldn’t make sense for me to include that.
p>Furthermore, if you haven’t seen the whole video, then don’t criticize. It’s you EaBo that is being lazy with their opinion and with their critiques. Sure critique me, but back yourself up. I’ve gotten called out rightly here on BMG, but what you’re doing right now doesn’t come close.
He should have asaid, “I disagree with your viewpoint, but I respect your right to state your opinion.” Instead, he said, “I respect your viewpoint.”
…been disturbing me for some time. My partner was an immigrant–a legal one–and he was disgusted too. Dobbs has become something of an evil twin of “Headline News’s” Glenn Beck, CNN’s sister station. Dobbs used to be a straight-forward economics reporter; in recent years he has turned into a ranter.
p>I part because of that, we have cancelled cable (sorry David–NECN wasn’t bad–do they have an Internet feed?) and have switched to rabbit ears.
p>BTW, sorry, but I’ll just let you know. CNN knows how to do reporting. When we’re in Munich, we get CNN International. It’s out of London (yes, it’s in English). It is reporting, not quite as good as the BBC, but very close. CNN knows how to do it, but why don’t they do it in the US?
gets posted on their website, which is here — just go to the show you want (I was on NewsNight last night).
p>Re CNN, why don’t they do it? Because it doesn’t sell as well as tawdry entertainment like that provided by Lou Dobbs and his colleagues, and CNN is frantic to keep up with entertainment channels like Fox “News.”
Murdoch’s channels know how to do it properly. His Sky Channel was booted off our cable system in Munich, but it wasn’t bad.