(my first post!)
With the Cape Wind hearings being over, and recent posts about “What's Next?” it might be time for a what's next on Global Warming, which is going to be given a huge push at Massachusetts Power Shift , April 11-14 in Boston.
At the beginning of March, the State Senate (in closed door session) passed the Global Warming Solutions Act , which would cap Mass greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. We overcame the voices of hesitation and polluting industry, but the fight rolls on to the House…
Getting a GHG cap passed in the Commonwealth should be the first goal to move us further down the path to sustainability and towards legislation to achieve those goals. To get this job done, young people from across the state are organizing Massachusetts' largest ever climate event in Boston, April 11-14.
Mass Power Shift is going to have tons of workshops (which aren't posted online yet) run by organizations ranging from 1Sky, Environment Massachusetts and the League of Conservation Voters to the MIT Sloan School, Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities, Sustainnovation and Clean Power Now. Keynote speakers confirmed so far include James Woolsey, former CIA director, and Congressman Ed. Markey. They'll be local strategy sessions and lobby training, and a rally/concert on the Common.
We'll, of course, be finishing off the weekend with a lobby day to help get the Global Warming Solutions Act through the House. So come over and check us out, and register. This is what's next.
For not one cent of the global carbon trading dollars will actually be spent on the enviornment. Not one solar array, not one wind farm, none of it. It goes to elite parasites for the sole purpose of enhancing the further erosion of liberty.
And vitamin C is actually a CIA conspiracy to implant robots in our brains! It’s all right here in this reputable source,… this one here… you mean you don’t see any link?
in China need the energy you took your morning shower with.
And they are going to get it.
They and India are carbon emissions exempt, they have been since 1992 with the Kyoto accord. As such the entire western world beat a path to their door giving a totalitarian regime money, technology and materials for the largest industrial goldrush in modern history. We are a measly 300 million energy sucking brats compared to the world’s six billion. Our “leadership” these stellar upstanding CEOs can’t think beyond one quarter while amassing immense captital from slave labor.
p>China, do they have
A right to know law
Government regulation or worker safety
After all, why should America do better if China refuses to act until India? And why should India act if America refuses to act until China does? And why should China act if India refuses to act until America does?
p>We won’t solve the problem unless we all make an effort. If America refuses to act, climate change will have tremendous effects on our lives, most for the worse.
p>China, by the way, emits 1/10th of the GHGs per capita as the US, and doubled their wind power last year. They’ve also almost completed the largest hydro power project in history and generate 67% more electricity from hydro as the USA does. India, incidentally, emits 1/20th of the GHGs per capita as the US.
p>The USA has 5% of the world’s population and emits 25% of man-“made” GHGs worldwide. We’re a bank robber justifying our crime because Paris Hilton gets away with shoplifting every once in a while.
will have a tremendous effect on our lives. And no, it won’t be from climate change.
Global warming is only about a global tax, a scam manufactured to free up more resources they can make larger profit margins on.
that it will “enhancing the further erosion of liberty.”
The whole “there can be no debate on global warming” line really stinks to me. Aside from that, many other things don’t seem right, not least of which is the models for fixing things by capping Co2 emissions are built upon other models which between all of them have too much assumption in them to be able to predict just about anything whatsoever with any certainty.
p>So, why haven’t predictions been made, and come true? I mean specific ones, not Nostradamus style “things will be bad” ones.
p>Why is there no discussion of solar output, or geothermal output under Greenland, or discussion of the UK court case which basically ruled that Gore’s movie is exaggerated to a degree that it cannot be taught without a disclaimer?
p>What about the latest data from the oceans???
p>Don’t like my source? Try this one.
p>NPR for goodness sakes. Put aside the fact that they are questioning how the sensors must be malfunctioning or some other preconclusion supporting nonsense, and think:
p>Do you ever question this stuff?
And what’s on the other side?
p>So at its most basic level do you think that the polar ice caps are melting because it is getting colder? Do you think the ski season has shifted because it is colder? Do you think 8 of the 10 warmest years on record have been in the last decade because it has been cooler?
p>As for the story being on NPR, mazal tov. Just like billy krystal allowing right-wing hyperbole to appear in a major media outlet you have heard something on NPR. However, a single story stating that findings are inconclusive does not call into question the entire theory of global climate change. The consensus on climate change was not reached on the first inconclusive study, it was reached after multiple studies by multiple organizations, universities, governments, etc.
p>You mean like ice shelves melting? (James Hansen)
p>How about like the prediction that the oceans would acidify?
p>Debating individual claims? Fair game, and should be encouraged… especially by those who have technical or academic skills in those areas. Cherry picking a few instances and claiming that it proves climate change is a hoax? A bit silly methinks. The data overwhelmingly suggests that this is happening, and it matches the theoretical predictions quite nicely.
I’d like to learn more about Mass Power Shift, but the link does not seem to work.
p>Question to all the posters trying to provoke a fight:
What’s the real reason behind all the claims that fly in the face of reality and science? Is libertarian ideology now religion? Do all libertarians deny global warming or is this only a claim made by some libertarians?
p>Fact: the global warming deniers are losing ground every single day and will continue to do so because the science and the facts are so much against them.
p>Question: will they put up enough resistance for long enough to slow our response sufficienlty so that we are faced with a climate catastrophe?
Second link doesn’t work for me.
p>Also, in the first one – seems like a nest of “may’s” (e.g. “may offer a sneak peak”) is hardly as scientific as some “will’s might be.
p>In checking into this further, I found this remarkable site.