As Treasurer, Tom has generated over one hundred thousand dollars in new sustainable revenue for the County, adopted new payment policies to take advantage of vendor discounts, and recovered revenues and taxes owed to the County. He has created new levels of cooperation and strengthened working relationships with elected and appointed officials across the county. In his first year and a half as Chairman of the Plymouth County Retirement Board, he has worked with other Board members to earn an average 11.5% return for the pension fund, adding more than $100 million to the fund as of December 31, 2007.
Tom served as the State Representative from the 12th Plymouth district for ten years and passed numerous pieces of legislation, including the O’Brien bill, which provided incentives for the movie industry to come to Massachusetts; the Baby Safe Haven bill; the Unenrolled Voter bill; and the bill which authorized the building of the new Plymouth County Registry of Deeds. Tom never missed a vote on Beacon Hill, casting over 3,700 consecutive roll call votes.