In addition, in your column, you deliberately decided not to mention that Jim Marzilli was in physical danger that sunny day in Lowell, because his disinhibition was so severe, per the police reports which are available online [so I presume available to you also] that Mr. Marzilli jumped off the curb, ran into active, heavy traffic the wrong way up the middle of the busy street so that cars had to go on the sidewalk, dodging, to not hit him.
Sorry – that is not the action of a mere pervert – that is disinhibition indicating an inability to make safe choices, and in my opinion, the officer should have “pink slipped” [involuntarily committed] Marzilli as he was visibly a danger to himself and others given that behavior.
That, by the way, Mr. Carr, is part of the basis for my use of the word “disinhibition”. I explained that fact in the rest of the post you lifted from me without my permission. You did not choose to share my rationale with the world but I do.
Were I a court-appointed GAL with that kind of behavior exhibited by the ward of the court in a case, I would be recommending a secure ward until the ward’s behavior was stabilized sufficiently not to endanger themselves & others by running around in traffic – even without the sexualized behavior.
There also was nothing in any of my posts stating that the hyper sexualized behavior reported [which apparently did not include any reported physical contact, at least in Lowell] was acceptable – the question was and is, given the other unsafe and impulsive behaviors described in the seven page online report, whether there could be “intent” in the legal sense.
I do work with those who have lost control over themselves. Such individuals deserve compassion – and containment – to protect both them and those around them. If that makes me a “Moonbat” then give me the T-shirt. I will be glad to provide my mailing address to you.
Suggested slogan for the shirt: “If Howie hates us, we must be hunting the right insects.”
farnkoff says
I love how he reprinted all the sordid details of Marzilli’s reported activities- ONE MORE TIME!- for the titillation of his perverted FOX-News audience, which, combined with the material he lifted from your posts, allowed him to “mail in” yet another lazy, non-sequitor-infested column with an absolute minimum of thoughtfulness and effort.
johnd says
farnkoff says
amberpaw says
johnk says
you understand it’s useless, if you have a point make it instead of insulting someone.
ryepower12 says
is a sniveling nut, Deb, who will distort and twist any words to prove his hyperbolic sense of the world. How he has a job, with all his insults and histrionics, is beyond me. He belongs on some obscure whacko internet forum, not at a major newspaper (even if it’s a tabloid). Best to wear this whole situation as a badge of honor!
amberpaw says
Is the design of a Moonbat Pride shirt, and a plan to use them to benefit Arlington Schools. The best way to deflate a bigot is to first call him out, and then use the collective energy towards something positive. And I think that will actually happen. Once the design is chosen, and a way to order them is firmed up, I will post a link.
p>It is kind of like Judo – when a melevolently motivated opponent who is stronger or more powerful slings mud/negative energy that very energy can be used to organize and generate a positive result.
p>But also, Carr’s Op Ed really was slovenly journalism.
johnt001 says
…from – that’s where I’m selling my anti-McCain t-shirts:
p>It’s free to sign up and create shirts – you can buy them at a discount yourself, or mark them up and sell them to the general public at a profit. Zazzle’s not the only game in town, is another, but they charge money to open a store. There’s plenty of others as well…
amberpaw says
And a lively discussion. Some original graphics; probably a meeting this weekend and choosing the graphics. I am not in charge of the project, but I assure you, the Moonbat Pride T-shirt and mug seem to be well underway. Once there is a URL I promise to post it. I am glad not to be a one woman army – this project is being done by others.
ryepower12 says
I have a feeling a lot of people would like to own those t-shirts…
bostonshepherd says
Wow. Ryan. Lighten up.
p>Howie Carr has one of the largest radio listenerships in metro Boston. Say what you want about the content of his Herald articles, but he’s got a pretty wide readership, too.
p>In the marketplace of opinion, Howie Carr sells remarkably well. That’s “how he has a job.” That’s why his opinion is not only available on “some obscure whacko internet forum” but on a major Boston radio station and in the 2nd highest circulation newspaper in New England, “even if it’s a tabloid.” Gee, your morally-superior elitism is showing.
p>I suspect a majority of folks in MA agree with Howie Carr on the irony of Jim Marzilli’s fall from grace, and agree with him on Deb’s silly, recovered-memory-like defense of him.
p>If I’m wrong, how else would he still have a job?
huh says
Ryan is asking WHY he sells.
p>My guess is it’s the same reason American Idol increased their coverage of failed contestants.
p>People want to feel superior. Howie helps them do it. Never mind that he’s a scumbag.
bostonshepherd says
Huh … people listen to and read Howie Carr because they “want to feel superior”?
p>Please explain.
kbusch says
Carr’s brand of misanthropy, where the world is full of lazy people whose sole activities reduce to raiding the public till and otherwise serving themselves, can give one a delightful and delicious feeling of moral superiority. One implicit intent of the article to which AmberPaw responds is to help people feel morally superior to Marzilli, Deb, and Moonbats.
p>The anti-expert style is particularly conducive to feeling superior because you get to feel superior to accomplished people. You get to feel that all their book learning, fancy talk, and nuanced concern is for naught, that they are more stupid than you are.
p>How delightful that must be to think, “Howie Carr and I are smarter than Representative W, Professor X, Doctor Y, and Attorney Z! If only everyone were as smart as Howie and I are!”
p>It’s less delightful to think “I don’t know everything about this case” or “there are some complicated moral questions here”. Compared to feeling smarter than the “liberal elite”, such reflections are a kind of bummer.
bostonshepherd says
To the MAJORITY of people, because progressives are a MINORITY, your comments exactly describe …. progressives. Moral superiority? That’s what progressives are all about!
p>Reread what you wrote:
p>…whereas Howie Carr’s listeners and readers are the exact opposite. (The smart ones, like Dick Cheney, are simply evil.) Why, it must drive you crazy they’re even allowed to vote. Bring back the half-vote!
p>One of the great advantages of being a conservative with an IQ of 141 and residing in metro Boston is the never-ending source of side-splitting hilarity reading how utterly clueless progressives are: accusing Howie Carr of moral superiority while simultaneously exhibiting your own preening, smug, arrogant attitudes. Is this hypocrisy unintentional? It must be.
p>You personify the Pauline Kale quote (allegedly) that she couldn’t believe Ronald Reagan had won since no one she knew had voted for him. [Even if this is mis-attributed, you get the point.]
kbusch says
I was describing experts, not progressives.
bostonshepherd says
LOL … “I was describing experts”?
p>You wrote:
p>James Marzilli, Deb, and Moonbats = progressives.
p>Again, progressives are clueless. Howie Carr earns an excellent living pointing this out.
kbusch says
With all due respect, I think you may need some expert help at reading comprehension. How did you jump to this marvelous conclusion?
Progressives are not uniformly distinguished Representatives, professors, doctors, and attorneys. Otherwise, we’d be a very tiny voting block.
p>I bet your skills at spatial relations are awesome, Mr/Ms. 141!
huh says
One of Howie’s more endearing traits is he attacks folks from both ends of the political spectrum. Take his article on Republican hacks on the state payroll. Partisanship isn’t really my problem with him and I don’t think KBusch it matters to KBusch, either.
p>AS to your IQ… If you’ve lived here any length of time, you should know better than to try and use intellectual superiority to give weight to your argument. There are many, many extraordinarily bright and talented folks around here and frankly, nobody cares.
farnkoff says
bring up your IQ…talk about childish and desperate. Come on, man.
bostonshepherd says
Why is it impermissible for me to mention my intelligence when KBusch cites, generally, the intellectual superiority of progressives?
p>Examples: progressives are experts, are “accomplished people,” are better educated with “book learning”, can talk “fancy,” and have John-Kerry-like “nuanced concerns,” whereas Howie Carr listeners/readers, i.e., not progressives, lack these characteristics.
p>Dan, get off your Hyde Park high horse.
kbusch says
You seem to want to engage in a playground tussle with a charming aside in IQs. (“Mine’s 141!” “Well, mine’s 155!” “Well, my Dad’s is 169!” “Big deal. My Dad’s is 320!”)
bostonshepherd says
Are you kidding? “Who said anything about progressives?” KBusch did. See my comments above to him.
p>As for knowing better “than to try and use intellectual superiority to give weight to your argument,” this is what progressives do all the time. KBusch did it 3 posts up.
kbusch says
You can’t read. We’ll reply to the voices in your head on a different thread, if you like.
p>If you have any extra strawmen, I’d like to collect them to put them under our strawberries.
amberpaw says
For example, you apparently did not note that I thought that involuntary commitment was legally appropriate in Lowell.
p>I was objecting to: 1}the harvesting of a comment of mine from a NON PUBLIC listserv, and using that comment out of context, and in a distorted way; 2) the stigmatizing of mental illness as if rather than “illness” mental illness is a moral failing; 3) the repitition of the prurient content from the indictment & police report without the illness related components, to titilate.
p>There was no condonation in my post for the alleged inappropriate conduct [sexual or otherwise].
p>My post had heft, and treating me like “straw woman’ by mischaracterizing what I said then knocking the construct you created [that I never said] over is a favorite demogogic tactic – but not good argument or valid debate.
they says
Can we all sign up?
amberpaw says
they says
And it turns out anyone can sign up, not just Arlington residents like us.
p>Posters do retain copyright to their posts though:
pablo says
We don’t let they into our listserv. If we would let they onto the listserv, then we wouldn’t be we, with them among us.
gary says
They can’t join, but we can, and if we do and they don’t we can post, but we can’t quote our own posts elsewhere like they wants to.
p>And if they does join, presumably they would have to use a psedonym, say “he”, and if he was a member who was really they, he would be amoung we and we wouldn’t be we, it would be we and he, otherwise known as they?
bluetoo says
Howie Carr is despicable. He is mean-spirited and vicious. I’m glad you are standing up to him.
mcrd says
Not to rub salt in wounds, but Marzilli is a nut. You only have to look at him and form a conclusion that all is not according to Hoyle. If Carr was going after folks who still supported marzilli, other than family, I can see that. marzilli needs to be deep sixed —fast. I am stunned that the DA did not schedule a dangerousness hearing. I am of the opinion that “women” per se are in iminent danger around this man. There is something seriously wrong and it was only a matter of days or even hours that Marzilli would attack and possibly kill a victim. Law enforcement is always attacked for being reactive than being proactive. In this instant case—Marzilli needs to be under lock and key for a loooong time.
ryepower12 says
before you spend the time to actually write a response about a column, you should actually read some of that column.
metrowest-dem says
Howie Carr is proof that someone with a good education who can afford to live in Wellesley can still be an intellectually lazy SOB.
p>One can have compassion for both the women who were attacked and for the attacker, especially where it seems clear that the attacker may not be in full control of himself for reasons that are biological in nature. I don’t know Sen. Marzilli, but I’ve spent enough time practicing mental health law to know that you don’t go from a successful political career to allegedly accosting women on the street to the psych ward at McLean unless something has gone terribly wrong for reasons that may well be beyond the individual’s control. My guess is that if a trial is held and if Sen. Marzilli is found guilty, he’ll be more likely to get tightly supervised probation than incarceration for that reason.
mcrd says
Would expect anything less. How many hacks go to the can? They ain’t like us you know.
p>I don’t have to read the editorial. Howie Carr writes the same edotorials, only changes the names to match the appropriate offense for whatever hack is being demonized. In this case it is Marzilli. Marzilli accosted a woman late at night in her own home. He gets a walk from the hack DA because he is a state senator. The victim is stunned that her compaints are unable to be “substantiated”. Marzilli’s apologists rush to his fervid defense rather than take a step back and give the whole scenerio close scrutiny. Rather than take an objective look at the allegations, the “apologists” smear the complaintant and come up with a myriad of fantastic explanations. The hack DA does zero for this victim.
Now Marzilli is given the green light to essentailly run amok and terrorize whatever community he sees fit. And in fact, Marzilli does just that. And the icing on tha cake, when he is apprehended, other women/victims come forward, who have hidden in terror from this pervert because they were afraid of the powerful Massachusetts senator and his legion of unquestioning sycophants and minions. And Howie Carr is an A-hole because, no doubt, he had the temerity
to point out that their is a segment of our society who will excuse any allegation because “their guy” and “we” have only good intentions and “we” know best, and our intellect and compassion is beyond reproach and question.
huh says
Maybe in the future, we can just throw out subject lines and you and johnD can create strawmen to go with them and respond. Oh, wait.
amidthefallingsnow says
Carr is just churning the “controversy” mill, if you actually read the column. It’s all about provoking the readers. That’s what pays in today’s opinion journalism (sic).
p>Being sensible and rational is the opposite of what the publishers want. Getting the readers riled up, is. The net effect of that is to make agitprop the norm, not the exception.
bostonshepherd says
They always get me riled up.
pablo says
bostonshepherd says
You just KNOW this will be enough material for at least 2 Herald columns and one radio segment … I can hear it now, “Revenge of the Moonbats,” scary background music, and Howie Carr laughing hysterically with his call ins.
p>Why give him the ammunition?
huh says
It’s not like being dissed by Howie is a black mark.
amberpaw says
I promise that either Pablo or I will post how to order a Moonbat Pride T-shirt once available. Moonbats care for their young and the young of all Moonbats. They fly and stand for whatever they believe in. Moonbats eat noxious insects in the wild [no wonder insects don’t like them] – and stand for Civic Engagement in these difficult times. No Moonbat worthy of the name would fly away from an unpopular cause in which the Moonbat believes!
mcrd says
kbusch says
Be afraid.
geo999 says
kbusch says
Rudeness for its own sake?
p>Charming, geo999, charming.
geo999 says
Viewing the (ahem) logo from a professional standpoint, my suggestion that the (ahem) artist not give up a reliable income was quite heartfelt, and should be considered in that context.
p>In the business, we would refer to the above as nephew art.
kbusch says
We know the artist is an amateur. The artist knows the artist is an amateur. I know that you are not an amateur.
p>Rudeness often consists in stating what is true — even obvious. (“My you’re overweight!” is rude.) It often consists in giving gratuitous evaluations. (“Mr. and Mrs. Smith, thank you for the lovely dinner, but I must tell you the Willets cooked me a better meal.”)
geo999 says
You gotta good string goin’ KBusch, have fun with it.
kbusch says
gary says
p>Did I miss the full comment somewhere?
amberpaw says
…the “Arlington List”. It was a discussion as to the impact of certain neurological and psychiatric disorder upon impulse control. My comment on the “A-list” was academic in nature, did not rehash the “prurient details” nor did I either attack or support J. James Marzilli in that post.
p>To therefore characterize my posting as “supporting” Marzilli, or minimizing the alleged actions against woman was grossly inaccurate.
p>Also, the “A-list” rules specifically state that no posts on the A-list are to be used elsewhere without the permission of the posting party. Howie Carr did not ask first, and did distort what I had to say.
p>On the other hand, but for Carr’s use of purloined material of mine from the A-list, the neurological and psychiatric issues would not have even been present in his Op Ed. As far as I am concerned, Carr’s Op Ed pandered to the lowest kind of reader, in reciting the details of sexualized behavior in an explicit way – material that was not needed unless one sought to pander to males who are aroused by such material.
p>If there is interest, I can root through the archives at the A-list – my comment was in response to another comment; it was not like a free standing diary post at this site.
p>I would only feel proper in providing my comment, unless I asked the others on the thread and they assented. The freedom of discussion on the A-list is, in part, due to the listmates there playing by the rules of the A-list. It is moderated.
mplo says
Yet, it’s also too bad that such people are open to exploitation of their weaknesses of people such as Howie Carr, who, from what little I know of him, has a big, fat ego, and is a blowhard, besides.
mplo says
p>was a mistake.
p>In reality, I meant: yet, it’s also too bad that such people are open to exploitation of their weaknesses by people such as Howie Carr.
peabody says
Anyone would have known that it was just a matter of time before Howie Carr wrote about Marzulli and the Arlington elitists.
p>Since someone will probably challenge my bona fides at commenting on this subject, I will note to you all that as one accused of “recycling” Howie Carr material in previous posts, I believe I am qualified to comment.
p>If Howie is a Wellesley trust fund baby then nothing is below his imagination. Much like liberals will go to all extremes to justify bad conduct, conservatives will go to all lengths to lambaste and ridicule them.
p>Face it, Howie is a lazy purveyor of prose. But people love him because he says what we are all saying. Whether liberals like it or not!
p>For the record, I consider myself a fiscally responsible progressive. Liberals will dislike me. Conservatives will write me off as someone who is not committed to their “values’ enough.
p>I feel so alone. No one wants me!
p> 🙁
bostonshepherd says
…he should go to jail. Yes? His disinhibition can be treated there.
p>Or are we going with a disinhibition defense?
peabody says
Disinhibition? That is too easy to parody.
p>It is sad. But disinhibition, that is just too much!