We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes the free market to take longer to correct itself. We believe in the free market as the best tool to sustained prosperity and opportunity for all.
In other news, the Pope is not Catholic and bears apparently do not evacuate waste in the woods.
Please share widely!
I’m sure there was an asterisk in there somewhere leading to the explanatory footnote. If the asterisk is missing, it was a typographical error, I know it. This is how it was supposed to read (damn the shrub for letting in those cheap mexican typesetters!)
That guy over there. Not me. Never me.
Bailout – a method of removing water from the hull of a boat, often accomplished with a pail. What? You thought we meant something else?
Some restrictions may apply. See SEC Chairman or your local CEO for details on eligibility.
p>Incidently, the last sentence was supposed to read:
“We believe The Tool can best sustain prosperity and opportunity for all free marketeers.”
The same administration that has lied to us for eight years now tells us to spend billions (trillions?) and even the Democrats line up to put down the taxpayers’ dough. “Trust me!”, the administration’s financial wizards say; and Congress starts to write a blank check. Where were these financial wizards during the time the problem accrued? When have they ever deserved our trust? Why does anyone think they’re telling the truth now? When did the “loyal oppostion” become the “rubber stamp?”
p>I’m sure that even the White House is amazed with all they’ve been able to get away with. Sure, they’ve planned for protest, even insurrection, but America just suffocated itself without a wimper. No force needed.
p>Does one laugh or cry?
We’ve survived worse.
I didn’t mean to steal and repeat your post!