All who are interested:
“A Green Economy: Legislation, Regulation, and Citizen Action”
Hosted by: Acton Democratic Town Committee, Senator Jamie Eldridge & State Rep. Cory Atkins
Jim Snyder-Grant, Co-Founder Green Acton
What a green economy is and the role of citizen action.
Lee Ketelsen, New England Director, Clean Water Action
Regulation and its role in creating a green economy.
Pam Resor, Fmr. State Senator
Recent legislation in Massachusetts.
When: Thursday, February 5, 7 PM
Where: Acton Memorial Library, Community Mtg. Rm. ~ 486 Main St., Acton
Please share widely!
judy-meredith says
This promises to be a place where folk inclined to DO something can go to get the information, the strategies and the tools to influence policy makers to push for postive (and green) change.
pocoloco91 says
We need one, it starts with us….individual and collective action through incentives will and can promote change
sue-kennedy says
Thanks Nancy. This is great for people who don’t like waiting for someone else to do something. Jim Synder-Grant is focusing on action items that we can do as individuals and as a community. I’ll be there and also our new State Representative, Jen Benson who is a strong advocate for the environment.