Despite all of their feel-good rhetoric, the reality is that <a href=""
target=”_blank”>nearly half of Walmart’s 675,000 employees – not to mention hundreds of thousands of children of these employees – remain
without health care. The situation is not much better for the employees who are covered by Walmart’s plan, as highlighted by a Baltimore doctor in a <a
href=”,0,4991307.story” target=”_blank”>letter to the editor in the Baltimore Sun.
The submission details just how bad that coverage is for patients and doctors. Here is a short excerpt:
“I have several Wal-Mart
employees as my patients. I can in all honesty declare that Wal-Mart, a wealthy corporation, for years got away with providing its employees no health care
coverage at all or the type of coverage from which doctors could barely eke out payments.
Out of pocket expenses for patients are outrageous
with this coverage. Hand me a Wal-Mart health insurance card, and I will let out a spontaneous sigh of exasperation because I know from experience what lies
ahead is a runaround for meager compensation after I have delivered all the services.”
While we would love to
think that Walmart has seen the light and is onboard to help every American attain the health care they deserve, we tend to agree with this fed up doc that
“Wal-Mart is an image conscious opportunist.”
Stay up to date with the campaign against Walmart’s destructive policies at <a
href=”” target=”_blank”>
you’d have to start looking for a new hobby!