Progressive Change Campaign is pressuring Sen. Bernie Sanders to refuse to vote for a conference committee health care bill that does not have a public option in order to pressure the conference committee to include an acceptable compromise, such as public option, Medicare expansion or Medicare option?
“The congratulations that Democrats are giving themselves in Washington DC are not shared by voters across the country who overwhelmingly want a public option and oppose being required to buy insurance from companies that put profit ahead of people’s health. Bernie Sanders can be a hero at this historic moment by declaring that any final bill must have a public option to win his support. That would change the entire calculus in House-Senate negotiations and force President Obama to finally fight back against Joe Lieberman’s threats,” Adam Green, co-founder of the committee, said in a statement.
The Public Option is no more and will never be. This was your one shot in a life time and the Dems buckled. So stop this complaining and whining. Be happy you got what you got. I’m happy with some of the reforms myself and will have to live with the ones I don’t like.
p>I am looking forward to the compromise committee since it will be a long list of House members leaving with their tails between their legs, giving in on everything (abortion, PO…).
p>But no matter how many of these petitions you do it won’t work. You may not have noticed it but even people here are getting tired of your zeal over this. You’re sounding like a pro-life nut-bag hanging outside abortion clinics calling everyone murderers.
p>Chuck is the master of the obvious. Dems have been negotiating with Dems and Republicans have been doing nothing more than obstructing since the HELP and Finance Bills came out of committee.
History will not call Republicans obstructionists but rather detail how Democrats never allowed Republicans in. The American people can see that Democrats are leaving us out. And will pay in 2010, just wait.