Martha Coakley ain’t gonna lose. It’s not gonna happen. The race isn’t even that close… So stop panicking. Jumping Gladiolas! but you people panic so easily… I ain’t never seen such a jumpy and jittery shell-shocked blog before. Chilllaxificate yo’selves.. and fercryingoutloud quite crying out loud!!!
Typical Democrats: run from poll to poll being scared and bungee jumping from conclusion to conclusion…! Does it matter that the polls are contradicting themselves?? No, apparently not! They are all, ostensibly, equal in their ability to invoke panic. It seems to me that the over-riding fear is that, in a ‘special election’, circumstances are such that voters may or may not turnout in the numbers to ensure victories. But that’s just an assumption… and an equally valid assumption is that, in a ‘special election’, circumstances are such that polling may or may not turnout the correct view of the electorate.
We did this during the primaries and when John McCain chose the ice queen from the frozen north as VP. We did this in Sept or Oct of ’06 when a few polls showed whatshername coming within a few points. We did this when Ogonowski looked almost legit against Tsongas.
Here’s a thought: let’s not do this again. Calm youselves. Take a deep breath and try not to let differing polls point you to the same kind of panic… ’cause, to be frank, that’s sorta childish.
Consider: In 1990 Bill Weld was more liberal than then the erstwhile Democrat (John Silber) who ran against him. Even Celluci knew he had to moderate hisself. Even Mitt Romney had to gull the voters with faux-moderation.
Scott Brown, on the other hand, hasn’t even made the slightest, merest whiff of an attempt to show that he even acknowledges that liberalism ever even came to Massachusets, much less thrives here… He is a man so completely at odds with his own state that he might just disappear in some sort of matter/anti-matter collision any time now… You’d think, like Romney, he’d throw moderates a bone, but he hasn’t. Apparently he’s incapable of doing so.
Dems need to take a chill pill and relax. They need to stop pulling national figures out of their asses and showing up in MA. They need to stop the efforts of getting the vote out and call off the red alert.
p>I may even stop calling Democrats and leaving voice mails about the January 26th special election (OMG, have I been leaving the wrong date for these people?). All is well…