Well…supposedly before the campaign his famous pick-up truck had 189,000 miles and now it has 200,000. Not much for a campaign vehicle. Now that’s a scandal! Exploitation of a motor vehicle. If this is true then start calling me Woodward A. Bernstein. I broke it.
Oh, another things. My moles want me to tell you guys that Brown does have stalkers. They work in teams of two. One to distract and cause problems the other to lay low and watch, take notes, follow her, see her she is meeting with, film when necessary, etc.
This is the typical Eric Ferhnstom crap that he’s been doing for years.
How about one of those slow one man clapping sarcastic round of applause for Eric for that one? Bravo Delta House. Bravo!
This post really should be titled God Damn You Martha! Really. WTF are you guys doing over there? I know Marty Walsh kicked your ass in a reps race years ago. That was the last time you had to really campaign. Generally speaking, you were anointed to the two elected positions you’ve held.
Get out there. Where are you? You were given the ball by many people and you are not even trying. This is not about you. Do you have any idea how pissed people are at you. Get your goddamn ass out there and start talking to people about the difference between you and Scott Brown. Non stop. Get your ass into as many radio stations, live instudio and talk. Get on Howie’s show in studio all of them you a goddman trial attorney and you know these guys are wrong on the facts and the law. Spend an hour with Howie and his callers. You need a counter attack. Then go the other talk shows. In between call in others (live in studio is 100 times better. and get in front of TV cameras and go after Scott. These stations owe you some time. Go on Finneran and McPhee and in Worcester and Springfield etc. and attack with facts. And take on Howie and all the others etc. Brown is a dolt and the people defending him are too. If you control, like an hour inside the studio you will be going to a kife fight with a gun. No problem.
And dan Rea too. He’s turned into a big diappointment.
It will be good radio, get you attention as being aggressive and turn this thing around.
And talk about Jobs Jobs Jobs Job. And mammograms. Leave the abortion thing at home now. Those that need to know now know.
How’s your phone bank going? I hope you are not just counting on the unions.
But get off your ass. Monday’s a holiday for crisssake. What the hell is Dennis Newman telling you?
Baseball season is near which means pretty soon the Red Sox will be coming out with their 2010 Media Guide. It’s great. It has photographs of all the Red Sox front office employees. Accountans, computer guy, etc. This allows me to do my annual black face count.
You know the Red Sox? The historically racist team that was the last to racially integrate. The team with a checkered past right up until the 1990s? The team tha the new owners, when they bought it ten years ago, said they would do more than past ownership regarding race? The team, that according to their media guides the past few years (when I started counting) has 2, that’s right TWO, African American Employees of the 70 or so non-uniform employees.
And guess what? They had been both been working there for at least ten years when Larry Lucchino, John Henry and Tom Werner bought the team. A lawyer and a clubhouse guy. You can’t make this stuff up folks.
These guys are frauds in the tenth degree. Which makes the Mark-McGwire non-apology-apology-and-also-work-as-“hitting coach”-for- a-major- league – team no surprise at all. Are you kidding me? Hitting coach? “Hey Coach McGwire, what’s the secret to good hitting?”
But you don’t have moles in the Brown campaign, but rather spies. A “mole” is a spy buried in the other organization’s spy network. Unless a Brown spy within the Coakley campaign is feeding Brown misinformation, you don’t have any moles (except on your skin).
on my skin are also working on the Brown campaign.
p>Is it a small world or what?
to have gone postal about this election. “Phrases like ‘rude’, ‘nasty’, ‘not too bright’ and ‘lacking in common sense’ pop up a lot when discussing Scott Brown.” Hmm, I seem to remember people saying the same things about Teddy back in the early sixties. Let’s be brutally honest here: when you have to pay someone to take a Spanish exam for you, there are some watts missing from the bulb.
It’s not easy on the ego to blow a sure thing.
p>For Capuano supporters (such as myself) it’s agonizing to see two sure things in a row collapse due to political nonfeasant campaigns run by flatliners.
p>I’ll fully grant you and other Republicans the right to gloat, and I’ll stipulate as to the traditional role of progressives as Republican outreach mechanisms.
p>That doesn’t make Scott Brown the reincarnation of Audie Murphy, though…
And maybe it’s time I gave up my Democratic voter registration, which I have had since 1960.
I gave up my Republican voter registration when they decided gay rights were the perfect wedge issue. You’ll fit right in…
AKA the ranks of the unenrolled. What did you think I meant?
I wasn’t sure. Ironically, being a conservative kind of guy I hate to give up my party designation.
This means you edgar and you huh.
because your Mutt and Jeff routine has become tiresome and is polluting Ernie’s witty post with gushy political sentimentality that I would expect to find on a Miley Cyrus blog.
Ernie, that the Sox replaced two very popular white guys (Mike Lowell and Jason Bay) with two black players (Adrian Beltre and Mike Cameron)on the field. Perhaps the baseball operations staff read BMG.