Thank you for taking the time to contact the Cahill Campaign — we sincerely apologize for the delay in getting back to you! Thank you also for your detailed description of the Patrick administration's decisions to shut state run facilities.
The analysis you present is indicative of what we have seen in terms of decision making by this administration. A heavy reliance on one time sources of revenue is pervasive and only serves to “kick the can” down the road.
If elected governor, Treasurer Cahill will assure you that his administration will perform thorough cost benefit analysis of all decisions, whether they are about Health and Human Services, Transportation, or any of the other department or agency. His administration will bring jobs back to Massachusetts, creating an economic environment of vitality that won't have to rely on one time sources of revenue.
The Treasurer also truly believes that it is time we started focusing on eliminating state bureaucracies before we so negatively affect the lives of those who need us most. We hope that you will give Treasurer Cahill the opportunity to earn your vote this November.
The Tim Cahill Committee
Thank you Treasurer Cahill. Your statement is a great start in earning our vote.
Have we heard what Mr. Baker’s position is on this issue?
was then Gov. Weld’s point man in closing nine state mental retardation, mental health, and public health facilities in the 1990s and privatizing their services. So, we didn’t think there was much likelihood Baker would differ from Gov. Patrick on the question of closing four more facilities.