The parent agency of TSA, Department of Homeland Security, is now partner with WalMart. Fear mongering has reached a new high (low?) in this country as “suspicious” people are to be fingered by WalMart customers. Shoppers can now buy guns and ammo at the same time they turn in that elderly person talking to one’s self. (Have you ever been in a WalMart and not seen people that look suspicious?) Too, DHS has decided that it will control the Web. Expect your PC to be a paperweight by next December as the snowball gets bigger and faster, about to roll over the Internet. And forget about the sweater made by your great grandmother overseas.. It might be a weapon of mass destruction. What law says you can’t get a package over a pound? Law by press release.
Not to be outdone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has neglected the usual six month Whitey warning and instead warned about Barbie dolls. Seems like the little dolly may be used for child porn as it can take a digital photo from its belly. Huh? What video recording device couldn’t? Isn’t TSA doing this at airports? How many parents will get on a list for buying the dolly for a little tyke? (Checked once, to see who’s bad.) What if they could use their staff to ferret out fraud and corruption in the financial, business and government organizations… Nah!, that’s from a time long gone. Easier to preen patsy terrorists. Honoring laws by press release while ignoring real laws.
Then we have the Department of Defense. Using the South Koreans to fire into what might be North Korean territory and being alarmed when the DPRK shoots back! It looks like the State Department is working for DoD. It seems as if the Secretary of State has been working for DoD for a long time. When did we have our “Seven Days of May?”, I missed that. The Pentagon setting policy? War by press release?
The new toy for the bureaucrats is a “Just Do It”. Everyone is in charge, no one responsible. Lawmaking gone wild. The prince decides. The government agencies seem to exist solely for the benefit of their appointee princes and princesses. Drunk with power. None working for a common cause. Where does it end? Where’s the Change?
It’s almost as if the citizenry is a frog carrying on its back thousands of scorpions across the river…
*Apologies to Lewis Padgett and Lewis Carroll
We have to keep talking about this stuff. It won’t make any difference which party presides over the big, stupid, authoritarian disgrace that this country is becoming. The TSA can feel up a grandmother and virtually strip search kids, with the ill-reasoned approval of all the talking heads and the acquiescence of an easily cowed public, but they can’t stop a kid from climbing into the wheel well of a commercial airliner. Bush is gone, but much of the incompetence and contempt for liberty characteristic of his administration endures under Obama.