The Democratic State Committee Meeting that had been scheduled for Tuesday 2/1/11 has been rescheduled to 2/16/11 same location; American Legion Post 440 at 295 California St, Newton. Dinner 6:00 PM; Meeting 7:00 PM; please spread the word that the meeting has been rescheduled!
Stay safe. Clear flat roofed buildings, sheds and carports – and stay safe and warm.
And please spread the word that the meeting has been rescheduled!
Deb Sirotkin Butler
4th Middlesex State Senate Committeewoman
Please share widely!
Mysterious are the ways of Beacon Hill, to be sure.
We have a 3 day event in Milford – Fri. night, all day Sat., Sun AM – for about 400, and we may be snowed out too!
Other than the Mass Dems site which you didn’t reference, I can’t figure out a site that might be related to this post.
That comment belonged to the thread about new committee assignments, not sure how I posted it here on the calendering thread instead.e