ACT ACCORDINGLY: Whitey Bulger: caught! Herald. Globe. AP. Howie. His brother, former Senate President and president of UMass William Bulger, had no commentthis morning.(AP) WHDH compares the brothers.
SNITCHES GET STITCHES: The House GOP introduced their new ethics plan yesterday (T&G), which includes a “snitch rule” for ratting out your boss. (WWLP,AP, Herald) The Phoenix’s Devid Bernstein has a different idea for reform and probably won’t be let in the building anymore. Side note: are Dan Winslow’s learned tortoiseshell reading glasses the new rugged barn coat?
TODAY IN CORRUPTION: The Auditor looks into this special education business. (Globe) Don’t just stand there and accept patronage – sue! (BBJ) And Chuck Turner’s reelection committee is now his defense fund, evidently, which is nowhere near as unethical as outright taking bribes. (Herald)
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