check out the whole invite here.
These are unprecedented times.
Cuts to community resources and political disappointments can challenge the heart, mind, and energy of those working for social, economic, and racial justice.
There’s no better way to start the New Year than helping to launch a new organizing and training Academy to support community-based leaders fighting to make their communities and our Commonwealth better for everyone.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
5 pm – 7 pm
Scollay Square, 21 Beacon St., Boston
Buy Tickets Now!
Event Co-Chairs Congressman Michael E. Capuano, Congressman Barney Frank, and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino invite you to help Judy Meredith and Lew Finfer celebrate the introduction of the Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy.
The mission of the Academy is to develop a cadre of community-based leaders who can build local networks of experienced advocates and volunteers to promote positive changes in their communities and in our Commonwealth. Find out more.
“Nature may abhor vacuums, but opponents of economic fairness thrive on them. When the voice of average citizens is silent, big campaign contributors dominate policy. That is why I am so pleased that two of our best advocates – Lew Finfer and Judy Meredith – are acting to fill that vacuum by helping people become effective activists on behalf of economic and social justice.”
—Congressman Barney Frank, event co-chair
Don’t miss Congressman Barney Frank’s remarks on the establishment of the “Barney Frank Chair of Organizing for Justice in Public Policy” the first endowed chair of the Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy.
Purchase individual tickets for $50. A limited number of discounted tickets are available for activists and students upon request. Contact Judy Meredith at 617-275-2923 or for details.
Senator Stephen Brewer, Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means
Gregg Croteau, United Teen Equality Center
House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo
Representative Brian S. Dempsey, Chair, House Committee on Ways and Means
Maude Hurd and Noemi Ramos-Winthrop, New England United for Justice
Yawu Miller, Training Consultant
Senate President Therese Murray
Sondra Peskoe, Training Consultant
Diluvina Vazquez Allard, Brockton Interfaith Community and MCAN/OLTC Board
Carolyn Villers, Mass Senior Action Council
Massachusetts Communities Action Network
The Public Policy Institute Board of Directors
Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy Advisory Board
Buy Your Tickets Now!
“Getting results that improve residents’ lives takes collaboration, organization, and dedication. These are just some of the skills that leaders will learn at The Massachusetts Policy and Organizing Leadership Academy. I want to thank Judy Meredith and Lew Finfer for pooling their knowledge and experience to help prepare the leaders of tomorrow.”
—Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, event co-chair
Thanks to our party sponsors so far who are helping launch the Academy:
Community Leaders: Baystate Health, Carney Hospital, Partners HealthCare, Travaglini Eisenberg Kiley & Scorzoni LLC
Campaign Strategists: Arbella Insurance Group Charitable Foundation, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Congressman Michael Capuano, Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Allan Rodgers, Stephen Rosenfeld, Kristin & David Shapiro
Field Organizers: Robert L. Beal, Boston Center for Independent Living, Inc., Communities for People, Inc., Jim & Helena Creamer, Rep. Brian Dempsey, Sen. Ken Donnelly, Catherine M. Dunham, Ethos, Howard Leibowitz and Connie Doty, Marty Linsky-Cambridge Leadership Associates, Paul M. Pezzella, John Sasso, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church of Lynn, Joseph Timilty, Al Wallis
Special Recognition for: The Boston Foundation and Catalyst Fund for Nonprofits and for technical assistance consultants from Third Sector: Nancy Jackson, Gammy Bird Consulting and John Moukad, In-Context Consulting. And a BIG THANK YOU to Hyams Foundation and Catalyst Fund for Nonprofits for the Academy’s implementation grants.
Read More Quotes! If you have something (nice) you’d like to share about Lew or Judy, send a brief quote to to be featured in the Academy party program.
DON’T FORGET…Your Tickets!
“Special thanks to Judy Meredith and Lew Finfer, who have been long-time advocates for a better Massachusetts. Judy and Lew’s leadership is even more important during these difficult times because they are fighting to secure a better future by giving our next generation the tools they need to advocate and organize effectively.”
—Congressman Mike Capuano, event co-chair
For sure it is an event, and has powerful folks on the masthead – but where I come from, Detroit, it is a show or a class or a workshop if you have to buy pay for a ticket – or even a fundraiser with a them, but it is not a “party”.
getting together in a bar to support the training and mentoring of more smart and savvy political activists IS a party.
I will seek out a Commerce agent tomorrow.
And the NEXT time you hear about how ‘administrative costs’ at health insurance companies are keeping the cost of care/insurance so high? Ask yourself how much of your PartnersHealthcare, Blue Cross, Baystate HMO and Carney Hospitals ‘administration’ money goes to support mishegoss like this.
screening, underwriting, billing/claims, profits and executive pay not the issue, it’s marketing. Who knew.
and our not for profit status forbids us from engaging in any partisan electoral activity. Our mission is to educated and train community activists how to lawfully engage in their rights under the first amendment to the constitution to assemble, speak freely and petition Congress for a redress of grievances.
BTW corporations have the same rights and a lot more resources to exercise them.
…and it would be worth fifty dollars to to watch that line-up deliberately NOT engage in partisan Democrat activity.
$50 to spend, but I give Porcupine extra points for using the Yiddish word “mishegoss.” I had to look it up.
The only insurance I saw was Arbella charitible foundation which I assume is itself a non-profit supported by donations. Plus, if you see the goals of this event as inherently partisan that says alot more about you, and maybe your party, than it does about the event and its organizers.
The Arbella Charitable Foundation doesn’t ACCEPT donations – it MAKES them as a corporate tax write-off. Which all good progressive oppose, which is why Obama looks to end the charitable tax deduction.
…maybe as a Republican State Committee member you should be trying to get some party leaders and elected officials on your side to participate rather than whining about who is already involved.