Ray Flynn should have seen this coming. When I worked on Flynn first campaign for mayor I registered voters. Other candidates concentrated on raising money from landlords and developers
None of the landlords’ candidates billed themselves that way, instead using code words like bringing both sides together, or being tired of all the bickering. We weren’t fooled. All we had to do was to see who the landlords hated.
So I was surprised to see Flynn endorse someone like Scott Brown, who seems to me to be an empty suit in the Larry Dicara, David Finnegan mold. I’m especially surprised that Flynn fell for the same code words that the empty suits used in 1983. This election isn’t much different, Mayor Flynn. All you have to know is which candidates the big money people really hate. In 1983 it was you (and Mel King); now it’s Elizabeth Warren.
I’m not surprised that Scott Brown wasted no time stabbing Ray Flynn in the back. As Flynn mentioned many times during his campaign for Mayor, his family had to rely on welfare when he was growing up. So here’s Scott Brown stigmatizing people on welfare for wanting to vote, and two minutes later here’s Flynn on TV saying that he thinks Scott Brown is okay.
There was a time when Ray Flynn would not have stood for garbage like that.