There is an upcoming special election to replace Rep. John Fresolo in the 16th Worcester State Rep. seat and Massachusetts Republicans are hoping Carol Claros can pull off a repeat of Leah Cole’s 12th Essex special election win in Peabody to replace Rep. Joyce Spiliotis.
I did some looking at the 2012 returns for those districts, and the 16th Worcester is going to be a much hard nut for the GOP to crack:
The Democratic primary is on August 13 with candidates Daniel Donahue, Khrystian King, Daniele Nanni, James O’Brien, and Joshua Perro. The winner will face off with Claros on September 10.
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dunwichdem says
With the necessary caveat that special elections (especially at the state legislative level) can have strange turnout, it would definitely seem that the Democratic primary on August 13th will pick the nominee. I have been working for one of the candidates, Khrystian King, and I would encourage anyone who lives in Worcester to check him out. Khrystian is a career social worker at the DCF and community activist who has created a youth basketball league. He has been endorsed by Mass Alliance, the National Association of Social Workers, SEIU Local 509, Rep. Jim O’Day, and others. Anyone interested in the race should give him a look,