This summer Daniel Hale was sentenced to prison for revealing that the U.S. program was killing innocent civilians. Then, in August, the U.S. drone program killed 10 innocent civilians in Kabul. First they lied about it. General Milley said it was a “righteous strike”, because he “Knew” that there was a secondary explosion and that the driver of the car hit by a hell-fire missile was working for ISIS.
These statements turned out to be lies.
As the New York Times reporter pointed out, these lies were revealed because this strike was in Kabul, where reporters could check the story. Most drone strikes are in remote areas where reporters have to take the military’s word, ie the word of liars like Milley.
Why is Daniel Hale in prison for telling the truth, while we have liars on the JCOS?
President Biden, pardon Daniel Hale
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