Whatever you think about whether Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin should have been granted parole, you may have missed this insult to Kennedy’s legacy, which occurred just days before the Governor of California denied Sirhan Sirhan’s bid for parole. https://whdh.com/news/maine-governor-vetoes-bill-to-allow-farm-workers-to-unionize/
RFK’s advocacy for farm workers was one of the most iconic parts of his candidacy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/1968-project/2018/05/21/cesar-chavez-rfk-unite-economic-justice/627882002/
You would think that 50 years later that politicians, or at least Democratic politicians would have accepted the idea that farmworkers have the right to organize. Read the Governor of Maine’s excuses for not signing the bill and see if it doesn’t remind you of someone who was Governor of California about 50 years ago.
Ronald Reagan is probably smirking in his grave today. Robert Kennedy is spinning in his.
50 Years Later
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