It always amuses me when Mitt Romney is touted as a good business man and he's the man who can turn the economy around. Do you know what his business was? Buying up struggling companies through leveraged buyouts and either breaking them up … [Read more...]
“We’re Lucky To Live In this Great Country”
I heard this phrase from a few people discussing the events unfolding in the Middle East/ North Africa. I heard this phrase from my sister who uttered it in reference to her children - how she's been telling them how lucky they are to live … [Read more...]
I stand with the workers of Wisconsin (and why you should too)
I, like many others watched in awe for weeks as the protesters in Egypt toppled the Mubarak regime. I still can't tear myself away from following the revolutions(?) unfolding throughout the region. As someone born and raised a train ride … [Read more...]
Emergency Rally for HCR – Tues (1/26/10) 6pm at MGH
In light of the special election loss and the national lack of courage to fight for Health Care Reform we need to make our voices heard. Please show up if you can. Walking distance from the Charles/MGH stop on the Red Line. Rally point is … [Read more...]
Ma Special Election Roundup
In the truncated primary that was the MA special election, typical electioneering went out the window. A three month run became a race for money and union endorsements. Right out of the gate, Coakley got the backing of Emily's List which … [Read more...]