Here in MA, if you hang out in certain circles you might hear things like how the leader of the Boston Tea Party one day had bruises all up and down her shins from being kicked by union thugs at some rally, but since that doesn't really … [Read more...]
Please Don’t Ever Buy a Gun
I asked in an earlier thread what it means that Jared's college kicked him out pending a mental health eval. Does this mean that he went into "the system" to be banned from owning guns? Was he even flagged at all? Should … [Read more...]
Clinton Takes Over as Obama Ducks Out
Washington Post: If not a transfer of power, the whole show seemed at least a temporary handoff. An embattled president, fresh off an electoral shellacking and struggling to sell a controversial tax deal to members of his own party, turned … [Read more...]
“One Nation” Rally draws thousands of Dem backers
Looks like the left is gunning for a sort of tea party of their own, with this little-mentioned but reasonably well attended rally in DC yesterday. WASHINGTON -- Tapping into anger as the Tea Party movement has done, a coalition of … [Read more...]
Could Sean Bielat defeat Barney Frank?
Its hard to turn on the news these days without seeing something about Sean Bielat or Barney Frank - including the latest coverage of Bill Clinton stumping for Barney in Taunton and Sean Bielat's counter rally on the green. All of … [Read more...]
Democrats in a Nutshell, 2010
Like a good leftist soldier, Paul Krugman represents and/or leads the charge in the envy-driven assault on small business owners and other high income earners. Presently, he is covering up his true motives with accusations that … [Read more...]
How Socialist is BMG?
----------- EB3: "my beef with socialism? My Beef With Socialism? MY BEEF WITH SOCIALISM? (4.50 / 2)I'll tell you my beef with socialism.It encourages lay bouts and discourages creativity, ingenuity, opportunity, self-improvement, … [Read more...]
Can we afford teachers unions?
Answer, then watch this a few times: Then, answer again. (crosspost from RMG) Also just for you guys: … [Read more...]
Why Thursday’s market insta-crash is a non issue
Some are blaming high-frequency trading machines that can execute multiple trades in milliseconds. Do we have that capability? ("No - we are the victims.") Other variants of this spin the predictable … [Read more...]
Drill, baby, drill?
Now that Obama, erstwhile tire inflater / mocker of drilling has flipped on domestic drilling, I thought I'd resurrect this oldie but goodie: oops, socialism... Drilling aside, doesn't she seem prescient? Oil companies, auto … [Read more...]
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