“In 2014, big money called the tune in a system where the size of your wallet determines the strength of your voice and candidates without large donor networks find it impossible to keep up,” said Karen Shanton, Demos Policy Analyst, … [Read more...]
Sen. Tester to tackle money’s influence on politics at Harvard Law Scool
Topping out at nearly $4 billion, we’ve just wrapped up the most expensive midterm election in our country’s history. Everybody outside of Washington agrees – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents -- that there’s too much … [Read more...]
Corporations Are Not People
Jeff Clements – former Assistant Attorney General of Massachusetts and co-founder of Free Speech for People – will be at the Concord Bookshop, 65 Main St., Concord, MA at 7 p.m. Sept. 4 to discuss the impact of the Citizens United … [Read more...]