I know, I know: it is "only" a Boston City Council race. But Jeff Ross survived the primary, and the Boston newspapers don't seem to know how to check public records any more, so here's something new, about the time Jeff Ross said … [Read more...]
Jeff Ross redux
The same Jeff Ross who I wrote about in 2007 when he was running for state Senate as a Cambridge resident is now running for Boston City Council as a 19-year Boston resident. Back then, his record … [Read more...]
A cheer for Cumberland Farms
With all the talk about companies taking advantage of ObamaCare to cut back on their own obligations, it was heartening to read in today's Globe that Cumberland Farms "is reclassifying more than 1,200 part-time workers to full time to make … [Read more...]
NYT on Warren challenger DeFranco
Interesting piece in yesterday's NYT (at http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/27/us/politics/democrat-challenges-elizabeth-warren-in-massachusetts.html?hp) on Marisa DeFranco's efforts to force a Democratic primary against Warren. Two quotes … [Read more...]
Former state Sen. Barrios ousted at GLAAD over commercial endorsement
Politico's Ben Smith (at <http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith> reports former Cambridge State Sen. Jarrett Barrios is out as GLAAD's president in the wake of an article detailing how the organization endorsed the AT&T/T-Mobile … [Read more...]
Let’s Ask Kerry & Kennedy To Put A “Hold” On Mukasey
Disgraceful as Schumer and Feinstein are, why are the media letting everyone else off the hook? If Jesse Helms could place a hold on dozens of Clinton appointees, why aren't reporters asking the Democratic presidential candidates et al. to … [Read more...]
Questions for Jeff Ross
-You now live in Cambridge, according to your campaign filings, so why have you not removed the homestead filing in which you declare your Boston property as your principal residence?-Why did a Florida condo association file a … [Read more...]