Right now in Massachusetts, the Mass Dental Society is spending large amount of money to prevent citizens from receiving local, affordable dental care. Specifically, the Dental Society is lobbying the Massachusetts Legislature not to allow … [Read more...]
Governor Patrick, meet the law of unintended consequences.
On the surface it looks so simple: mail a ticket, collect the fine and resusitate muncipal budgets. The camera companies claim the cost of the cameras and maintenance is quickly offset by the unwilling contributions of … [Read more...]
The stench behind the stench
The betrayal of public trust evidenced by the DiMasi mess has another stinky dimension. DiMasi and his partners in corruption have been charged with pocketing thousands of dollars in their pay to play scheme. As if this … [Read more...]
Why are Massachusetts politicians like sponges?
Ten years ago there was a chance that all of this could change. In 1999 Massachusetts voters staged a citizens revolt to unseat the incumbent aristocracy that had controlled Massachusetts politics for years. The binding … [Read more...]
Like Water Through Sand
Therein lies the political rub. The overwhelming Democratic majorities in the Massachusetts House and Senate have over a 90% incumbency rate. Not to paint with too broad a brush, but this rate transforms many public servants … [Read more...]