"The Attleboro Democratic City Committee has released a new website for its seasonal magazine, the Attleboro Democracy, alongside the winter edition of the magazine on focusing primarily on foreign policy. Featured articles … [Read more...]
Juvenile Delinquency: If We Fail Our Children, We Fail Our Future
I am very please the Gov Patrick has decided to push Massachusetts towards age appropriate juvenile justice reform. I am especially pleased because there is a trend in America that is leading us to be more punitive in how we address … [Read more...]
Understanding and Compassion: Essential Ingredients to Mental Health Reform
In the wake of the devastating Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, mental health reform is back in the national spotlight. There are risks associated with mental health reform when it comes to crime prevention. These risks … [Read more...]
The NRA on Mental Illness: A Complete Lack of Understanding
On Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 the NBC program Meet the Press, NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre repeatedly called people afflicted or suffering from mental illness who may do harm "lunatics." This view is so completely out of … [Read more...]
Preventing Mass Shootings: How Partisans Get “What Works” Wrong
NRA CEO and Executive Vice Prisdent Wayne LaPierre said that the assault weapons ban didn't work because the 4/20/1999 shooting at Columbine occurred. In the same interview he said that the only way to keep kids safe at school is to have … [Read more...]
Pundits, Get Real! Not all Gun Crimes (and Solutions) Are the Same
In the wake of the most recent school shooting, and in the wake of any mass shooting, pundits and politicians fill the airwaves and cable TV stations for the need for greater gun control and for the need for more guns. Both sides of the … [Read more...]
Attleboro Democracy Magazine – The Economy Issue
Elizabeth Warren op-ed appears alongside European international panel in MA Dem Magazine The Attleboro Democracy Magazine (a seasonal journal put together by the Attleboro Democratic City Committee) has just released its Fall 2012 Issue … [Read more...]
What if the ‘Batman Shooter’ is Insane?
What If...? What if alleged shooter James Holmes if found to be insane? An insanity finding would mean that at the time of the crime, Homes did not appreciate that what he was doing was wrong. This may be hard to fathom for many … [Read more...]
Attleboro Democracy Magazine – Health Issue
The Attleboro Democracy Magazine is a seasonal magazine created by the Attleboro Democratic City Committee and one devoted to exploring the issues most important to our state. The recently released issue on health care features quite a cast … [Read more...]
Attleboro DEMS Launch “Attleboro Democracy Magazine”
The Attleboro Democracy Magazine is a seasonal magazine created by the Attleboro Democratic City Committee devoted to exploring the issues most important to our state. The recently released issue on education features quite a cast of … [Read more...]