Brian Gilmore, AIM's Executive Vice President - Public Affairs noted, "It is was a challenge to calculate the Scorecard this Session, since there were fewer 'clear' roll call votes taken during the session." (A clear roll call is a … [Read more...]
Meet The Next Senator From Middlesex, Suffolk, and Essex
Hi, my name is Nathan and I want to introduce you to the next state senator from the Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex district, Jeff Ross. I support Jeff Ross to replace Jarrett Barrios in the state senate special Democratic Primary … [Read more...]
Earth Day 2007 in 3-Ply
And now another treasure from Italy not seen in any museums, but certainly zipping all around them. Cozy and adorable although at first glance for us Americans, they're freakishly small. As I took in great works of the last couple … [Read more...]