Second troubling topic. Croft asked about the recently announced Afghanistan surge & withdrawal strategy. The core reason for the strategy that Obama offered, as I understood him, is that the border region between Afghanistan and … [Read more...]
A Crumb For the Starving: Detainee Basic Medical Care Act of 2008
[The] legislation would require the federal government to establish mandatory standards for medical and mental health care, replacing the voluntary standards that apply now in the network of more than 300 publicly and privately run jails … [Read more...]
Time covers global warming
Well, the mainstream media is catching on to global warming ... finally. First Scott Pelley's terrific work at 60 Minutes, letting NASA scientist Jim Hansen speak freely, finally; now Time Magazine says on the cover: "Global Warming: Be … [Read more...]
60 Minutes does excellent work on global warming
... and yes, we're all hosed. Due to CO2 that humans have already released into the air, we're already talking about an adjustment period of hundreds of years -- even if we stopped altogether right away."When you look at the American … [Read more...]