Thought you might be interested in this invitation from YDM Women's Caucus Chair Jillian Cardillo... I'm excited to invite you to Ladies in Blue with Special Guest Rep. Niki Tsongas next Tuesday, March 22! … [Read more...]
Advocating for Program Funding During Hard Economic Times
Hosted by The Public Policy Institute and ONE MassachusettsIn these hard times when the federal, state and city governments have less tax revenue to spend, our elected officials find themselves surrounded by advocates for various programs … [Read more...]
Help Joe and Support Equality
Please take a look at the message below and pick up the phone / join the conversation on Twitter as this will be coming for a vote TOMORROW - let's make sure Scott Brown knows how many people will be even more excited to campaign … [Read more...]
Time Running Out for Transgender Rights Bill – Please Act Now
As many of you may know, despite wide support, the Transgender Rights bill is stuck in Committee and time is running out to move it forward before the May 7 deadline. The following alert went out to members of the Young Democrats of … [Read more...]
Stand for Children: Grassroots no more
Cross-posted on Grassroots: of or pertaining to society at the local level rather than at the center of political activity especially as contrasted with the leadership or elite of a political party, social … [Read more...]
They forgot a revenue message!
“A healthy environment is the result of decisions we make together through our government through different policies, initiatives and decisions that keep our water clean and protect our green spaces.” “Young children … [Read more...]
Updates! Keeping Your Eye on the Grape! Federal $$$ are coming to town
UPDATE NECN reported yesterday the Governor's plan to appoint a "money czar" for the fed stimulus dollars. In today's Boston Globe the Governor announces the appointment of Jeffrey A. Simon to oversee the distribution of … [Read more...]