Although the scope at which private citizens and companies enslaved post-war Black Americans is new to me, it's been well documented for years how much state governments reaped obscene profits from these laws through convict leasing. David … [Read more...]
The mission ‘been transitioned, but Harry Reid does not support the troops
The MSM, Tim Russert, characterized Reid's comments thusly on Sunday: MTP Transcript April 22, 2007Russert: A Democrat got in some hot water with, with his fellow party members as well. Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrats, talked about … [Read more...]
Moyers video: The Plantation Mentality in American Media Today
The full remarks can be accessed at the above link, the Moyers video is on the front page there in QT if you need it. The direct YouTube links to the speech are re-printed here:Bill Moyers at NCMR 2007 -- PART 1 (32:20)Bill Moyers at NCMR … [Read more...]