Your editors bring you the following recommendations for tomorrow's state primary. US Senate: John Kerry. This was not a difficult call for us. We applaud Ed O'Reilly's spirited campaign, and we are disappointed in Senator … [Read more...]
Want real CHANGE? Vote for BUONOMO!
John Buonomo's taste for the coins in the copiers is small change compared to the major change needed in that office. And due to the circumstances of Buonomo's arrest and resignation, people seem to be happy to jump on the bandwagon … [Read more...]
What Might a County Caucus Look Like?
City/TownDeval VotesDelegatesCity/TownDeval … [Read more...]
Tom Concannon for Middlesex Register of Probate — yes, it’s a write-in
Unfortunately, it's quite possible that Buonomo will win the Democratic primary, given the difficulties of mounting a successful write-in campaign. If he does so, he may face opponents from the Republican party (John Lambert) and the … [Read more...]
Video of Buonomo allegedly pilfering change from copiers
You have to see this to believe it: police have released surveillance video that allegedly shows Middlesex Register of Probate John Buonomo opening up copiers, looking around to make sure no one is watching, and then grabbing the cash. … [Read more...]