Potential Candidates. Boston City Council. POTENTIAL CANDIDATES [ updates, email John.Donovan at cityofboston.gov ] PRELIMINARY MUNICIPAL ELECTION SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 POTENTIAL CANDIDATES for COUNCILLOR-at-LARGE NAME ADDRESS Phones Deshon … [Read more...]
A Politician’s Role in the Twitterverse: Follower to Friend Ratio
Social media analytics platforms created a simple ratio to speak to the relationship between followers & those who are followed. Many look to the number of people that are following a given Twitter user as an indicator of that … [Read more...]
Link to ALL the election results
All the results for example, I was pleased to see how well my friend Dave Roulston did in Franklin County in what I understand to be his first race. There are many open seats, and many first time candidates - and even though some of … [Read more...]
Links to Senate FEC Contribution Reports
There was an article in today's Globe reporting that Pagliuca is spending big out of pocket, which is a big "duh" in covering a wealthy candidate. Having said that, the Globe printed links to each candidate's FEC filings. So, for all you … [Read more...]
15 At-Large Boston City Council Candidates and Their Websites
Felix G. Arroyo: FelixArroyo.com Doug Bennett: BennettForBoston.com John Connolly: ConnollyForCouncil.com Ego Ezedi: VoteForEzedi.com Robert Fortes: FortesForBoston.com Tomás Gonzalez: VoteTomas.com Tito … [Read more...]
Dissecting Mike Capuano
There've been posts and comments about Martha Coakley and Stephen Lynch. Haven't heard much about Mike Capuano. Since he is not in my district, I don't know a lot about him. Any information about him, his stance on the issues, … [Read more...]
Lori Berenson’s insight from prison
(Cross-posted from the Accountable Strategies blog)Interestingly, a number of writers in Peru have recently begun to re-evaluate the case against her. Those writers include a former Peruvian prime minister, a … [Read more...]
National Draft Gore Movement Strong and Thriving
Many of you have shared with me your enthusiasm and interest in Gore being our next president. I understand that time and location has made it difficult for you to participate to the extent to which you may have liked in the national draft … [Read more...]
Come Meet Ed O’Reilly and Martin Hogan Tomorrow Night
Ed O'Reilly, candidate for US Senate and Martin Hogan, candidate for Boston City Council At Large will be coming to DFA Boston's Sept Meeting. Both Ed and Martin will be speaking about their campaigns and wish to meet with … [Read more...]
Hi Folks,The America For Gore Coalition has put together a petition asking Democracy for America to please officially include Al Gore in their next straw poll. The last poll they had garnered 13% for other, which they said was hands down Al … [Read more...]