But it's the first district I want to point you to, today, because it is one of the most competitive House races in the country. NH-01 is currently held by a grassroots superstar, and one of the most genuine people I've ever had the … [Read more...]
DemocracyFest Only 1 Week Away!
DemocracyFest is coming soon! June 9-10 near Manchester, NH. http://www.democracy...DemocracyFest is an annual educational and inspirational festival that gives grassroots progressives the knowledge and skills they need to take our country … [Read more...]
Guerrilla vlogger: Edwards at UNH
Video: Elizabeth Edwards - Durham NH (5:07) Mrs. Edwards is up first and as she introduces her husband she gets a standing ovation for this line: We are well past the time where we need and deserve a good, decent and honest President in … [Read more...]
OMFG! New UNH Polls for NH-01, NH-02
NH-01: Bradley 47, Shea-Porter 42NH-02: Hodes 45, Bass 37Full press release (PDF) here."Historically, an incumbent with less than 50% of the vote in polls just before an election is likely to lose."Let's get up there and close the deal. … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: AFL-CIO hosts John Edwards in Manchester, NH with oreos
Tula Connell asked an important question in her excellent Labor Day diary. If Unions are so great then why don't more people join them? Today this is what employers do when you try to start a union: 92% of private-sector employers, … [Read more...]