SECTION 89. Said chapter 119 is hereby further amended by striking out section 38, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sections: Section 38. All hearings under sections 1 to 38A, inclusive, expect … [Read more...]
The URL for the most extraordinary diary I have ever read on any blog
Here it is: Read to the end. What do you think? Do you have questions as a result? What questions? … [Read more...]
Would the “overhaul” of DSS have saved Haleigh? So far, my review says NO
H4905 clarifies what the new agency, DCF, is supposed to do. This post is the first in a series I intend to do on the changes in the law made by H4905. For example, specific services to strengthen families are listed in Section 26, … [Read more...]
Massachusetts Legislature passes major over haul of DSS today
While press is beginning to come out that omnibus legislation to overhaul child welfare law and practice in Massachusetts passed today, I haven't found the actual bill online as yet. Apparently, it passed this afternoon. Here is the … [Read more...]
Legal orphans in free fall; we can and must do better than this!
I just represented a great aunt. Her sister brought two kids here from another state, because she was caring for three grandchildren and wanted her sister to take care of two of them. The Massachusetts Great Aunt filed for a … [Read more...]
National Governor’s Center funds Grants to reduce the number of children in foster care
For the whole story, go to: For the whole program, go to: … [Read more...]
90,000 infants abused or neglected – or 90,000 poor parents demonized?
Increasing the number of children removed and placed in foster care does not protect children nor does this improve outcomes for children or reduce abuse and neglect. Failure to strengthen families and confusing poverty with neglect … [Read more...]
Harvard Law School grad and Chief Justice of the Middlesex Juvenile Ct appointed “Child Advocate”
What Judge Garinger, who leaves a secure and powerful role as a presiding judge had to say was quoted here: Judge Garinger's online profile is sparse: According to the … [Read more...]
SJC issues case expanding civil right to counsel – TODAY
Here is the slip opinion which issued, today: Term NOTICE: The slip opinions and orders posted on this Web site are subject to formal revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound volumes of the Official Reports. … [Read more...]
Executive order establishes new Office of the Child Advocate on 12/20/07
Executive Order No. 494 has as a goal to protect the children involved with four agencies: DMR, DMH, DSS and DYS. That would be a change, as there is little oversight and little public scrutiny of any of these agencies unless or … [Read more...]