We didn't, necessarily set out to do it, but the way our posting went yesterday, we ended creating a little Hillarypalooza! And rather then going three-consecutive days of single posts, we'll just link it so you can visit as you wish. So, … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton’s Great Day!
And The Other Clinton acknowledged that, via ABC News; "If she wins Texas and Ohio I think she will be the nominee. If you don't deliver for her, I don't think she can be. It's all on you," the former president told the audience at the … [Read more...]
Forget About What Obama Said … Check Out Wolfson’s Defense of Hillary!
Taylor Marsh could barely contain herself, both on her own blog and on The Huffington Post. "Barack Obama isn't an original. He's the first 21st century L. Ron Hubbard of politics, Elmer Gantry, name your huckster ... "I have a dream" just … [Read more...]
Hillary’s Smelling Burning Rubber!
Clinton Hears Voices from Beyond: 'Keep Going' "Speaking about her work in South Texas as an organizer for George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign, Clinton said two strong Texas women inspired her -- Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and … [Read more...]