The March for Common Sense was a call by today's youth to stand and fight and stop the cuts that would strip them of a secure future! video of the march shows speakers such as Reverend Small and Bob Massie calling on this generation to … [Read more...]
They forgot a revenue message!
“A healthy environment is the result of decisions we make together through our government through different policies, initiatives and decisions that keep our water clean and protect our green spaces.” “Young children … [Read more...]
Let’s Stop the Gov-Bashing
Smitty: Bash the Governor. Meddle with the Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education, trying to convince them to stop pushing for regionalization of school districts entirely. Ignore the educational benefits of having larger districts … [Read more...]
Stop talking about “taxes” start talking about fundamental fairness – w poll
Stop framing the discussion as "raising taxes". Start talking about fundamental fairness and the American Dream being destroyed by greedy banksters and a rapacious elite. Go to What will kill the American Dream, in hard numbers It is not … [Read more...]
Budget choices and consequences
Our governor and Legislature are at a critical juncture, faced with the choice between making sweeping cuts that could have far reaching consequences for the health and well being of the state or raising new revenue to support the public … [Read more...]
Pay as you go?
Massachusetts residents are engaged in a conversation about what kinds of services they expect of their government and how they would chose to pay for it.In Tyngsboro, town officials are dousing the steetlights on all but the busiest … [Read more...]
Shirley: a microcosm of the state
For years now as Massachusetts cities and towns have been struggling to balance their budgets, the mantra of anti-tax activists has been "find more savings."This call reflects a misinformed belief that deep, structural budget deficits can … [Read more...]
Thank you, Senators Eldridge and Chang Diaz for the courage to talk about taxation in public
Today's Boston Globe contains an Op Ed written jointly by Senator Eldridge and Senator Chang-Diaz. Their courage and straight talk makes me proud to be a democrat. Among other things, they point out that a 1% increase in the personal … [Read more...]
Target: Sacred Cows (Even the Successes?)
Authored by bipartisan leaders (including, full disclosure, my former boss, Speaker DiMasi), the bill required all sides to give - with a mandate that people get insurance, that most businesses provide it and that the state and feds pay big … [Read more...]
Please help prevent more Haleigh Poutres! Open Letter to Gov Patrick
November 19, 2008 His Excellency, Governor Deval Patrick Room 360, The State House Boston, Massachusetts 01852 RE: Termination of Compensation For Guardian Ad Litem for Education … [Read more...]